Over the past few years, fears have been growing that the left is actively weakening the U.S. military. Since they came to power, Democrats have prioritized making the military as woke as possible instead of focusing on strength.
Sadly, our worst fears have now been confirmed. Indeed, a disturbing new report from the Commission on the National Defense Strategy has confirmed that the U.S. military is “not prepared for war.” How in the world is this possible?
This is what happens when a military is forced to prioritize woke practices over strength and keeping up with modern technology. What has happened to our military will sadly come as no surprise to millions of conservatives who have seen this coming after years of Joe Biden being in office.
From Breitbart News:
Among the problems preventing the U.S. military from addressing threats from China and Russia is reportedly the Department of Defense’s (DOD) “business practices, byzantine research,” and its “reliance on decades-old military hardware,” which reflects “an era of uncontested military dominance.” The report adds that “such methods” are “not suited to today’s strategic environment.”The report also notes that the U.S. military has faced “recent recruitment shortfalls” that have led to a decrease in “the size of the Army, Air Force, and Navy.”
“The threats the United States faces are the most serious and most challenging the nation has encountered since 1945 and include the potential for near-term major war,” the report states. “The United States last fought a global conflict during World War II, which ended nearly 80 years ago. The nation was last prepared for such a fight during the Cold War, which ended 35 years ago. It is not prepared today.”
This is nothing short of a nightmare. America’s enemies know that if they ever want to attack the U.S., now would be the time to do it. Our woke military appears to be too weak to defend our country, and our enemies know it.
Thanks a lot, liberals!
U.S. Military Goes Woke
Indeed, this comes after years of the military focusing on catering to radically liberal ideologies.
From The Heritage Foundation:
Today’s American military has fully embraced the social imperatives of the Left and the most progressive aspects of American society.The U.S. Air Force selects officers based on a race- and sex-based quota system for officer applicants—an affirmative action program that would make the Ivy League blush.
In August, the U.S. Army Special Operations Command released a report on “Women in Combat”—not to analyze the effectiveness of Army Special Operations Forces, but to excoriate itself for supposed persistent bigotry.
Earlier this year, Army officials released a memo making soldiers undergoing “gender transition” non-deployable for almost one year. At a time of severe readiness concerns, such a concession to ideology is absurd. The military should not be in the business of accommodating social ideology if it means accepting non-deployability.
Perhaps the military should have focused a little less on any of that, and a little more on keeping up with modern technologies. We would bet money that the Russian and Chinese militaries don’t give a hoot about any of that nonsense. Instead, they undoubtedly do what any good military would do, which is to place all of their energy on being as strong as possible.
There could be other reasons why our military has become weaker than ever. However, the Left’s efforts to make it as woke as possible certainly haven’t helped.
If something isn’t done to strengthen our military as soon as possible, all of our lives could be in danger. Enough of the woke nonsense. Let’s get serious and turn our military back into a strong entity that actually places fear into the hearts of America’s enemies.
Key Takeaways:
- A new report finds that the U.S. military is “not prepared for war.”
- The U.S. military has not adjusted to the times when it comes to technology and strategy.
- This comes after years of the military going woke instead of focusing on strength.
Sources: Breitbart News, The Heritage Foundation