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Kamala Launches Divisive “White Dudes for Harris” Event with Hollywood Star Power
Kamala Launches Divisive “White Dudes for Harris” Event with Hollywood Star Power

Kamala Harris is diving headfirst into her 2024 presidential campaign, and her strategy is just as uninspired as you’d expect. Instead of focusing on real issues, Harris seems to be leaning on identity politics and flashy gimmicks to rally support. It’s the same old song and dance from the Democrats, hoping that pandering to specific demographics will somehow win them the election.

Kamala Harris is running for president after Joe Biden dropped out and endorsed her. With less than 100 days left until the election, Harris is scrambling to make a mark. But instead of presenting solid policies, she’s doubling down on the divisive tactics that have become all too familiar from the left.

The Celebrity Lineup

The Harris for President campaign launched its first official video Thursday. The drop came less than a week after President Joe Biden’s defenestration was completed and Kamala Harris was anointed in his place.

From Breitbart:
The Big Lebowski star Jeff Bridges, Lord of the Rings star Sean Astin, and Mark Hamill of Star Wars fame were among the many famous faces — along with left-wing lawmakers like Adam Schiff (D-CA) — who joined a virtual “White Dudes of Harris” event Monday night. It was the latest of such events hosted in an all-out effort to raise funds for Vice President Kamala Harris in her bid for the White House.

Pandering for Votes

This event is Harris’s latest attempt to rally support by catering to specific identity groups. Instead of addressing the real issues that Americans face, she’s hoping that celebrity endorsements and flashy videos will distract voters from her lackluster track record.

The Democrats are trying to play the same identity politics game that they’ve been pushing for years. They think that by splitting people into their race and gender groups, they can secure votes. But the American people are smarter than that. They want real solutions, not empty promises and pandering.

A Flawed Approach

Harris’s reliance on Hollywood celebrities is a clear sign of desperation. She’s hoping that the star power of actors like Jeff Bridges and Sean Astin will somehow make her campaign more appealing. But the reality is that most Americans are more concerned with the economy, healthcare, and national security than they are with what a bunch of washed-up actors have to say.

The Democrats’ strategy of using identity politics and celebrity endorsements is nothing new. It’s a tired tactic that’s been used time and time again, and it rarely delivers the results they hope for. The American people are looking for real leadership, not empty rhetoric and pandering.

And let’s not forget the hypocrisy of it all. Harris and her Hollywood buddies love to lecture the rest of us on morality and ethics, but where were they when real issues needed addressing? They’re more interested in virtue signaling than actually making a difference.

Kamala Harris’s campaign kickoff with a bunch of Hollywood has-beens is a sad reflection of her lack of substance. It’s all style, no substance. And as the election draws nearer, it’s becoming painfully clear that Kamala Harris is not the leader America needs.

Key Takeaways:

  • Kamala Harris launched her campaign with a virtual “White Dudes for Harris” event featuring washed-up Hollywood actors.
  • Harris’s track record as Vice President, especially on the border crisis, has been a disaster.
  • The campaign event highlights the Democrats’ strategy of pandering to specific demographics instead of addressing real issues.

Sources: Breitbart

July 31, 2024
Jon Brenner
Patriot Journal's Managing Editor has followed politics since he was a kid, with Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush as his role models. He hopes to see America return to limited government and the founding principles that made it the greatest nation in history.
Patriot Journal's Managing Editor has followed politics since he was a kid, with Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush as his role models. He hopes to see America return to limited government and the founding principles that made it the greatest nation in history.
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