There’s a reason why those who lived through World War II are known as the Greatest Generation. Unlike many young people today, they actually loved their country and were willing to sacrifice absolutely anything to save America.
Sadly, there are fewer and fewer members of the Greatest Generation that are still with us every day. That’s why when one of them decides to speak out about the current political situation in this country, their words are more important than ever.
On Wednesday night, the World War II and D-Day veteran Sgt. William Pekrul, 98, took the stage at the Republican National Convention. There, he delivered an emotional speech that left the former President Donald Trump and the rest of the audience speechless. His words serve as a window into what the other members of the Greatest Generation who are no longer with us would think about what is going on in the U.S. today.
From Fox News:
“It hurts my heart to see what our current president and vice president have done to the country I love so well,” Pekrul said of President Biden. “As we [get] pushed around by China, terrorists run wild in the Middle East, and they let our own southern border get overrun.”
Pekrul called “America the greatest nation in the history of the world” and said that when he came back from war in Europe, he “kissed the ground” and thanked God for his return.
Trump could be seen smiling and applauding as Pekrul continued his remarks.
During his RNC speech, Pekrul threw in his strong support for Trump, saying that with “President Trump back as commander in chief, I would go back to re-enlist today.”
“And I would storm whatever beach my country needs me to,” Pekrul concluded. “God bless you, God bless our home and the United States of America.”
Yes, you read that correctly!
Despite being nearly 100, Pekrul would be ready to re-enlist in the military if Trump is America’s leader again. It doesn’t get much more beautiful and patriotic than that!
Trump Is The Leader America Needs
These days, bashing America is unfortunately considered to be hip and trendy among young people. When Pekrul was in his youth, however, the complete opposite was true. Back then, loving America was not only celebrated, it was the norm among the Greatest Generation, many of whom gave their lives for this country.
The media has worked overtime to portray Trump as a villainous wannabe dictator who is out to destroy America as we know it. In reality, the complete opposite is true. Instead, Trump is trying to save America from the dark liberal forces that are out to take this country down.
As a proud World War II veteran with nearly a century of life experience, Pekrul can see this clearly. He knows that Trump is the leader that America needs right now.
Given his advanced age, Pekrul is undoubtedly aware that he’s closer to the end of life than he is to the beginning. Clearly, he’d much rather spend his final years living in Trump’s America instead of having to watch Joe Biden and his fellow Democrats continue to chip away at the country that his Greatest Generation fought so hard for.
Key Takeaways
- World War II veteran rips Biden at Republican National Convention.
- World War II veteran praises Trump, saying he’ll re-enlist if he wins.
- Trump is the leader America needs right now.
Source: Fox News