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Woke Congress Blindsided by Major Bombshell – Small Print in Budget Knocks Down Dem Holy Grail
Woke Congress Blindsided by Major Bombshell – Small Print in Budget Knocks Down Dem Holy Grail

Not many Americans are happy with the massive $1.2 trillion spending package just passed by Congress. Despite promising to hold Biden’s reckless spending plans, Speaker Johnson approved a bill that throws billions at Democrats’ pet projects.

At least one House Republican tried to remove Johnson from his Speakership. Others will surely complain about this massive bill being put on working Americans.

But there is one slim silver lining in this huge spending bill. While the federal government is spending $1.2 trillion that it does not have, it found a way to cut some of the left’s pet projects. And one “woke” organization is getting the boot.

From Fox News:
A congressional office aimed at promoting diversity and inclusion was shuttered late last week with the passage of the bipartisan $1.2 trillion government spending package.

The director of the House Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Sesha Joi Moon, announced the office would be dissolved as a result of the House passing its legislative funding bill, one of six bills in the overall package, according to a statement obtained by Fox News Digital late Friday.

The House Office of Diversity and Inclusion has been shut down, after the passage of the latest spending bill. The organization was created by Nancy Pelosi to promote what has been called “DEI” goals. “Diversity” and “Inclusion” are buzzwords for Democrats that usually mean “non-white” and “non-conservative.”

This was a “non-partisan” and “non-legislative” office. Yet it nonetheless would have influenced the drafting and passing of bills out of the House. It would have also had influence over who was hired for congressional staffing jobs. No doubt, the liberal-formed office was prioritizing minorities (and anyone who agreed with liberal talking points).

The office will be replaced by the Office of Talent Management. It is unclear who will lead this new office, but the outgoing head of ODI revealed that some of her staffers were being moved to this new organization.

Key Takeaways:

  • House Republicans shut down a “diversity” office through the new spending package.
  • The Office of Diversity and Inclusion was created by former Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
  • The organization apparently managed staffing for the House.

Source: Fox News

March 25, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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