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After “Wire-Cutting” Scandal Erupts – House GOP Makes 1 Power Move in Washington
After “Wire-Cutting” Scandal Erupts – House GOP Makes 1 Power Move in Washington

What’s Happening:

The border crisis under the Joe Biden administration continues to escalate into an all-out legal battle between the states and the federal government. Biden has appointed federal agency leaders who follow his every order to allow more illegal immigrants into the United States.

Republicans in Congress continue to question the Biden administration over actions that have opened the door to 6.3 million illegal immigrants along the southwest border since Biden took office. Under Biden these actions include the president allowing border agents to cut razor wire installed by Texas authorities on the Rio Grande near Eagle Pass, Texas.

Texas officials filed suit against Biden and secured a temporary restraining order against Biden’s efforts. Now the House Republican-led Committee on the Judiciary has launched an investigation into the Biden administration’s handling of the immigration crisis. A formal letter regarding the investigation was sent to the Department of Homeland Security.

The letter states that as illegal immigrant encounters surged while Texas fought the federal government in court, the Biden administration “escalated matters, trading bolt cutters for an industrial-strength telehandler forklift to dismantle Texas’s border fence…”

Soon after a federal judge granted the temporary restraining order which instructed federal officials to halt “cutting, interfering with, or removing Concertina wire installed by the State of Texas,” the letter stated.

The House committee wants access to all documents and communications regarding the ingress and egress of foreign nationals en route to the U.S. before an influx on Sept. 20 in Eagle Pass, and all communications regarding the cutting, interfering with or removing of Concertina wire and fencing installed by state and local governments along the southern border.

The influx references an unprecedented surge when in just five days, over 45,000 illegal immigrants were encountered along the border, with 4,000 occurring on Sept. 20 in Eagle Pass. The city was forced to declare a state of emergency.

Late in September on a single day there were nearly 11,000 migrant encounters along the southern border, marking the single highest day in recent recordings. DHS has released 2.9 million illegal immigrants into U.S. communities, the House letter notes. The committee added that there were more than 1.7 million known “gotaways” that evaded Border Patrol and entered the country since Jan. 20, 2021.

The committee wants DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to explain whether there was a policy for cutting the wire or interfering with local or state governments. The committee also wants the identification of those who decided to cut the border protection wire installed by Texas.

Key Takeaways:

  • House committee calls out Biden administration for border protection interference.
  • Biden’s DHS agents cut border wire in Texas and created a legal fight with the state.
  • Republican-led committee wants answers and the identifications of those involved.

Source: Fox News

November 8, 2023
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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