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Trump Declares He Will Create 1 New Holiday – Here’s His Answer to Biden’s ‘Visibility Day’
Trump Declares He Will Create 1 New Holiday – Here’s His Answer to Biden’s ‘Visibility Day’

Leftists have undermined long-standing American religious traditions and national holidays with special days and months that suit their alternate ideologies. People struggle to keep up with all the designations that are celebrated by leftists.

Joe Biden has made it a key point of his administration to coddle any implementation of radical sentiment in order to maintain his leftist base. He appears oblivious to how his decisions impact Americans in general and doesn’t budge when questioned about his actions.

Biden was hit with serious backlash after he designated March 31 as the annual date for “Transgender Day of Visibility” which fell on Easter Sunday this year. In response, former President Donald Trump countered with a new annual day he will implement if regains the White House.

From Fox News:
The presumptive Republican nominee for president promised that Nov. 5 would be “Christian Visibility Day” if he is elected.

“And what the h— was Biden thinking when he declared Easter Sunday to be trans visibility day?” Trump asked his supporters during a campaign rally in Green Bay, Wisconsin, on Tuesday. “Such total disrespect to Christians.”

Trump made the pledge to thunderous applause from his typically large crowd of supporters at his event. The date is significant because Nov. 5 is national voting day for the 2024 presidential election. National elections are held on the first Tuesday of November.

Biden did nothing to adjust his designated transgender day when it coincided with Easter Sunday this year. The backlash has been harsh because it is one of the most holiest days for Christians around the world because it celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Karoline Leavitt, Trump’s national press secretary, said Biden’s transgender day is “appalling and insulting” and continues the Biden administration’s “years-long assault on the Christian faith.”

Biden offered no apology for his insult of tens of millions of Christians, and claimed any criticism is divisive. An official statement from the man who claims to be a Christian said he stands for “bringing people together and upholding the dignity and freedoms of every American.”

Yet Biden knowingly penned his name to a declaration that essentially spit in the face of Christians celebrating their Savior. Biden has taken creating a divided nation to a whole new level.

Key Takeaways:

  • Trump hits back at Biden with planned “Christian Visibility Day” in November.
  • Biden was hit with backlash for designating a transgender day on Easter Sunday.
  • Trump and other politicians said Biden’s action was disrespectful of Christians.

Source: Fox News

April 4, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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