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Trump Makes Transgender Vow: As President, He Will Ban It in Sports
Trump Makes Transgender Vow: As President, He Will Ban It in Sports

In recent years, the Democratic Party has adopted a near-obsessive devotion to the cause of transgenderism. What started as an issue of inclusivity has morphed into an all-encompassing crusade.

Their focus on elevating transgender individuals seems almost fanatical, as they push for policies that not only prioritize transgender rights but often place them above everyone else’s concerns. It’s as if transgenderism has become a sacred cow for the Left, untouchable and beyond criticism.

Ironically, in their zeal to champion this cause, they have thrown biological women under the bus. These same Democrats, who claim to be feminists, are now advocating for men who identify as women to compete in female sports, use women’s locker rooms, and access other spaces traditionally reserved for women.

Feminism, the movement that once fought to uplift women, is now being contorted to benefit a small minority at the expense of the majority of women.

From Daily Wire:
President Donald Trump said this week that the solution to stopping men from playing in women’s sports was to simply ban it at the federal level through executive action.

When asked, nearly every woman in the audience raised their hand and said that men pretending to be women playing in women’s sports was a serious concern for them…

When asked about the best way to stop it, Trump responded: “You just ban it. The president bans it. You just don’t let it happen. Not a big deal.”

Trump’s Simple Solution: Ban It

During a Fox News town hall with female voters this week, former President Donald Trump took a stand on an issue that has stirred controversy and concern across the nation: men competing in women’s sports.

Trump was asked about this by Linda, a grandmother from Georgia who voiced the concerns of many women and parents. She asked how he planned to address the transgender issue in women’s sports, especially considering the safety and fairness concerns for her six granddaughters who are athletes.

Trump’s response was refreshingly simple: “You just ban it. The president bans it. You just don’t let it happen. Not a big deal.”

The audience, filled with concerned female voters, largely agreed, raising their hands when asked if they saw transgender men competing in women’s sports as a major issue.

Trump emphasized how men dominating women’s sports was not only unfair but dangerous. He cited examples from volleyball to swimming, where men identifying as women have shattered records and, in some cases, physically harmed female competitors. His solution?

An executive action to stop it at the federal level—no more men in women’s sports, period. It’s a move that resonates with many voters who feel that common sense has been sacrificed on the altar of woke politics.

Why Common Sense is Missing in Action

The issue of transgender athletes competing in women’s sports is one of fairness, safety, and common sense. For years, women fought for equality in athletics, with Title IX ensuring that female athletes had the same opportunities as their male counterparts.

Now, under the guise of inclusivity, Democrats are undermining these hard-won gains. Men, who often have physical advantages over women, are allowed to dominate women’s sports simply by identifying as female. It doesn’t matter how much this disadvantages biological women—if you question it, you’re labeled a bigot.

But for everyday Americans, particularly women, this isn’t about bigotry; it’s about fairness.

They see their daughters, granddaughters, and sisters working hard to compete, only to be edged out by someone who, biologically, isn’t even in the same league. It’s not just about trophies and scholarships—it’s about safety, dignity, and preserving the integrity of women’s sports.

Trump’s approach to banning men from women’s sports may sound blunt, but it’s the kind of straightforward action many Americans are craving.

As political elites debate gender identity and social justice, most voters are simply asking for fairness and logic to prevail. And in the case of transgender athletes in women’s sports, the answer seems clear: enough is enough.

Key Takeaways

  • Democrats’ obsession with transgenderism is hurting women.
  • Trump’s solution is simple and direct: Ban men from competing in women’s sports.
  • Voters, especially women, want a return to fairness in sports.

Source: Daily Wire

October 17, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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