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Trump Receives Surprise Election Report – Here’s How They’ll Vote if Donald Is ‘Convicted’
Trump Receives Surprise Election Report – Here’s How They’ll Vote if Donald Is ‘Convicted’

Joe Biden received a free pass after he was exposed for allegedly mishandling classified documents. The special prosecutor appointed to his case deemed him unable to be prosecuted and let him walk free because he is a “sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”

Former President Donald Trump didn’t receive the same treatment for his alleged illegal possession of classified documents. His home was raided by armed federal agents, he was hit with 40 charges that could put him in jail for hundreds of years, and he was deemed fully competent to stand trial.

The silver lining in this two-tiered prosecutorial nonsense is that Trump could come out on top no matter how the case against him pans out. Trump is leading Biden in most voter polls, and a conviction might secure the White House for a new term.

From Breitbart:
A majority of voters said they would vote for former President Donald Trump over President Joe Biden if a jury convicts the former president in the documents case, a Harvard Caps/Harris poll recently found.

The poll asked respondents who they would vote for if a jury convicted Trump “of crimes related to his handling of classified presidential documents?”

54 percent would vote for Trump

46 percent would vote for Biden

The poll also revealed that the majority don’t appear to trust the justice system. Fifty-three percent of voters said Trump won’t be convicted of any alleged crimes. Another 54 percent said Trump’s legal troubles are motivated and promoted by his political enemies.

The classified documents case against Trump has him facing 450 years in prison if convicted on all charges racked up by Special Counsel Jack Smith. The trial was postponed from May with no date set. Trump has filed motions to dismiss the case and wants a trial date after the 2024 presidential election.

The man trying to throw Trump in jail, Smith, wants a July trial start date. The judge in the case has not ruled on motions from Trump as the country waits for the next phase of the trial.

The poll was taken after former Special Counsel Robert Hur declined to prosecute Biden for mishandling classified documents. Hur told Congress he could not charge an old man with bad memory with “willfully” keeping classified documents due to lack of evidence.

This despite Hur confirming before Congress that Biden retained classified documents in seven places: at the University of Pennsylvania Biden Center, in Biden’s garage, in Biden’s basement den, in Biden’s main floor office, in Biden’s third floor den, at the University of Delaware, and at the Biden Institute.

Key Takeaways:

  • A majority of voters will support Donald Trump if he’s convicted, a new poll said.
  • The poll came after Joe Biden wasn’t charged for mishandling classified documents.
  • Voters said they will vote for Trump if he loses his classified documents case.

Source: Breitbart

March 27, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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