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‘Trump Caravan’ Crashes Liberal Comedian’s Party – It’s the Best Public Burn Ever
‘Trump Caravan’ Crashes Liberal Comedian’s Party – It’s the Best Public Burn Ever

Celebrities across the spectrum for years have exposed themselves as unhinged haters of former President Donald Trump. Their public pulpits have been used to display how deep their syndrome of derangement runs.

Some celebrities have even called for the death of Trump and even participated in “artistic” displays where they depict the killing of the former president. This has ranged from pointing a gun at Trump impersonator or even calling for injecting him with air to kill him.

One of the loudest and proudest Trump haters in the comedy world is Kathy Griffin. She proudly held a fake Trump head that was bloody in an infamous photo shoot in 2017. She is now using her hate against Trump in her comedy act, but she ran into a buzz saw of resistance in New York City.

From Breitbart:
Left-wing comedienne Kathy Griffin has never concealed her contempt for former President Donald Trump or the tens of thousands of people who support him across the country.

The feeling has always been entirely mutual.

That fact was proven yet again over the weekend when dozens of protesters descended on her show in Huntington, Long Island, to let her know just how they feel about her.

A parade of Trump supporters drove their vehicles down the street in front of the Paramount theater, honking horns, flashing lights, playing loud patriotic music, and shouting support for their beloved president. The vehicles were emblazoned with pro-Trump images and vehicles had “Trump 2024” and U.S. flags flying from them.

The parade was captured on video and went viral on social media. Some people observing the parade were seen giving high-fives to the parade group and shaking their fists in support. One apparent anti-Trumper was also caught on video.

The woman was seen displaying one of Griffin’s signature reactions by “shooting the finger” at the parade of vehicles. She was also filmed trying to rip one of the Trump flags off a vehicle.

People lining up for entrance to the theater seemed confused at times at the sign above them read, “Tonight! Kathy Griffin: My Life on the PTSD-List.” The “D-List” was highlighted which exemplifies how her career fell apart following her public wishing for Trump’s death.

Some Trump supporters were interviewed during the viral video. They made it clear they didn’t want the comedian in their backyard.

“I think she’s disgusting,” one man said. “I didn’t want her in my neighborhood, so I came down here to put my little two cents into it and stand up for President Trump.”

“She’s a low life for what she did,” another man said from his vehicle. “She shouldn’t be here on Long Island. No one should ever put a beheading out there on anyone, I don’t care if it’s Democrat or Republican. We here to prove a point to her – get the hell off Long Island and never come back.”

Key Takeaways:

  • Trump supporters slam comedian Kathy Griffin outside the theater before her show.
  • Long Island residents made it clear they didn’t want the comic in their neighborhood.
  • Griffin is infamous for posing with a fake, severed head of Trump while he was president.

Source: Breitbart

March 30, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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