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After Trump Rips Biden on His Israel Move – Donald Sends 1 Brutal Message to All Jewish Voters
After Trump Rips Biden on His Israel Move – Donald Sends 1 Brutal Message to All Jewish Voters

The world’s largest terrorist attack since 9/11 received indirect support from the highest U.S. political levels. Joe Biden said he denounced the attack but has since turned his criticism to Israel which suffered from the slaughter of 1,200 of its citizens.

Instead of supporting defense against the Iran-backed terrorist organization Hamas which attacked Israel, Biden tried to convince Israel’s leaders to cease fighting back. This is an intense situation as Israel is one of the strongest allies to the United States.

Biden’s stance against Israel’s actions prompted former President Donald Trump to weigh in on the issue. Trump always stood strong with Israel, and he questioned Jews who still support Biden.

From The Daily Wire:
“Biden has totally lost control of the Israel situation,” Trump said to reporters ahead of a fundraiser in Atlanta, Georgia. “He has abandoned Israel, he has totally abandoned Israel, and frankly you know he’s a low-IQ individual.”

“He has no idea where he is and who he is supporting,” the former president added. “He doesn’t know if he is supporting the Palestinians, but he knows one thing: he is not supporting Israel. He has abandoned Israel and any Jewish person that votes for a Democrat or votes for Biden should have their head examined.”

Biden has ignored hostages still held by Hamas while openly criticizing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Biden called for a six- to eight-week ceasefire in Gaza. Biden claimed he has spoken to the Saudis, Jordanians, and Egyptians who are all prepared to move on.

It is worth highlighting that all the countries want to get the Israel-Hamas war behind them, but none appeared to demand the release of hostages. Biden even called Netanyahu’s plans in the war “a mistake” and said it was “outrageous” that three aid worker vehicles were hit by Israeli drones.

Trump didn’t mince words about Jews supporting Biden and Democrats. He said such Jews do not love Israel and should be confronted.

“How a Jewish person can vote for Biden or a Democrat because they are on the side 100% of the Palestinians,” Trump said. “Frankly, it’s incredible that historically Jewish people vote for Democrats. I don’t understand that.”

Trump has publicly stated that he supports Israel’s war against Hamas. He believes Israel should “finish up” the war and “get it done.” He also said Israel must get back to peace and return to a normal life for Israel and everyone else.

In contrast to Biden’s stance against Israel’s actions, Trump was the broker of the Abraham Accords and efforts to bring more peace to the Middle East. The United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco joined in the peace agreements until Biden took office and progress ceased. Saudi Arabia was also set to join the agreement, but that faded with Biden’s administration.

Key Takeaways:

  • Donald Trump said Jews voting for Biden “should have their head examined.”
  • The former president didn’t hold back in slamming Jewish support of Democrats.
  • Trump said Biden abandoned Israel and instead leaned into support for Hamas.

Source: The Daily Wire

April 12, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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