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Border Expert Exposes 1 Hidden Truth – And He Blames Joe Biden for This New Nightmare
Border Expert Exposes 1 Hidden Truth – And He Blames Joe Biden for This New Nightmare

For a long time, the White House (with help from the media) outright denied the border crisis. This, even though we saw footage of hundreds of thousands of migrants illegally pouring into the U.S.

Today, we know that over 7 million migrants have entered the country under President Biden. Despite this, his administration has refused to secure the border.

Democrats have complained about the many migrants overwhelming their cities. But that is only a fraction of the damage caused by Biden’s border crisis. Now, a top expert from the International Monetary Fund is revealing what these migrants are doing to the economy.

From Breitbart:
“Abundant labor coming across the border” is reducing the wages paid to American employees, said Kristalina Georgieva, managing director of the International Monetary Fund…

“Not everybody who crosses the border adds positively to the economy… But that labor supply also gave to the United States [overall economy an] advantage: Wages are not pushing up, because there is no strong pressure because of lack of labor.”

According to the managing director of the IMF, the border crisis is hurting wages paid to Americans. Millions of migrants are coming into the country, willing to work any job, for any wage. That gives companies an upper hand over American workers.

Why pay an American a living wage, when you can pay a migrant a fraction of that? Migrants don’t complain if they get paid lower than minimum wage—if they even know what that is. Migrants don’t pay taxes, so they get to keep 100% of what they earn.

According to reports, growth for hourly earnings dropped to 4.1%. Even during 2020, hourly earnings growth was 5.9%. Thanks to the endless supply of migrant workers provided by Joe Biden, Americans are getting the shaft.

That is what many critics claim is the reason Biden allows the open border. He is rewarding large corporations and other companies who would rather hire outsiders than Americans. Plus, Democrats can exploit these “newcomers” for votes.

If the IMF is admitting this publicly, then everybody knows it. Only Biden and Democrats refuse to say it out loud.

Key Takeaways:

  • Biden’s border crisis has resulted in lower wages for Americans.
  • The millions of illegals are competing for jobs, willing to work for less.
  • The managing director of the International Monetary Fund admitted this in a recent meeting.

Source: Breitbart

April 19, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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