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After Thug Handcuffs 85-Year-Old Woman – She Unleashes Perfect Justice on Him
After Thug Handcuffs 85-Year-Old Woman – She Unleashes Perfect Justice on Him

Leftist policies across the country have created an attitude among criminals that they can get away with anything. Americans are facing a more dangerous environment everyday in all parts of the country.

Shining examples of leftist justice can be seen almost daily on the West and East Coasts when criminals brazenly commit criminal acts of violence against innocent people. With law enforcement hobbled by progressive prosecutors who won’t punish criminals, people are forced to defend themselves.

Criminals must learn that people who appear to be easy marks may be more dangerous than the legal system. A senior citizen proved this to be true when she defended herself and served up a strong dose of civil justice.

Christine Jenneiahn, 85, was brutally attacked in her rural Idaho home before she turned the tables on her assailant, Derek Ephriam Condon, 39, and sent him to meet his maker. He shouldn’t have left her alone after handcuffing her in her bedroom.

From Blaze Media:
When he left her again, Jenneiahn was able to drag her chair over to her pillow and retrieve a .357 Magnum revolver. She hid the gun and waited to see what Condon would do next.

Jolley said that Condon threatened to kill her while burglarizing the home, so, Jenneiahn decided to take a chance, and she shot at the man.

The man made his way to the kitchen, where he died of his wounds.

Jenneiahn was also shot multiple times when Condon fired his 9mm and hit her in the leg, arm, chest, and abdomen. She suffered for 10 hours before being able to get life-saving help and was taken to the hospital.

The home invader, according to police, broke into Jenneiahn’s home about 2 a.m. through a window using a screwdriver. He had parked a mile away from her home and was wearing a military jacket and a black ski mask. Police said Condon awakened Christine Jenneiahn by bashing her in the head with his gun.

Jenneiahn was then dragged into the living room and handcuffed to a wooden chair. He demanded her valuables, but she didn’t have much and he put a gun to her head, she told the police. He also became angry when he discovered her disable son was also in the home.

He left her alone several times while rummaging through the house, and this allowed her to make a move for her gun and shoot him. Jenneiahn, who was shot multiple times, was still handcuffed to the chair for 10 hours before her son was able to bring her a phone to call for help.

Police found Condon’s car with footprints leading to the house. A search of his body revealed a set of lock picks and a bag containing some of Jenneiahn’s possessions.

Bingham County Prosecutor Ryan Jolley determined that the incident was a “justifiable homicide” under Idaho criminal code. He called the home invasions scenario “one of the most heroic acts of self-preservation” he had ever seen.

“Her grit, determination, and will to live appear to be what saved her that night,” Jolley added. “Christine was justified in taking any and all means necessary to defend herself and her son that night.”

Key Takeaways:

  • An elderly woman retrieved her .357 Magnum revolver and shot a home intruder.
  • She defended herself and her disabled son while handcuffed to a chair in her home.
  • The woman was shot multiple times but landed two rounds that killed her assailant.

Source: Blaze Media

April 13, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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