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Texas Democrat Hit With Severe Charge: This Could Spell Disaster For His Career
Texas Democrat Hit With Severe Charge: This Could Spell Disaster For His Career

Leftists must be given credit for developing some of the most creative ways to influence voters. Years of practice have them working overtime to execute every chance to alter voter perception heading into the fall elections.

However, lately Democrats have been getting called on the carpet, and sometimes into the courtroom, over their actions that are questionable and at times, criminal. The only way they’re getting caught is when good, sane people notice what they’re doing and alert the proper authorities.

A Democrat in Texas who got creative with digital technology and tried to fool voters is facing an investigation from local authorities. The problem in this local race is the suspicion that the Democrat was making up racist comments to sway voters.

From The Hill:
The Democratic challenger for the Fort Bend County Precinct 3 commissioner in Texas is facing charges for allegedly creating fake social media posts writing racist comments directed at himself.

Commissioner Andy Meyers, the Republican incumbent, requested the Fort Bend County district attorney’s office begin an investigation in October into the social media posts directed at Taral Patel, his opponent.

A posted statement from Patel last September seemed fishy to Meyers who noticed an account listed was from “Antonio Scalywag.” This is someone who previously had attacked Meyers. Meyers’ requested investigation paid off.

Patel apparently didn’t cover his tracks well enough related to the account. Investigators found the fake account used a photo of someone else and issued a subpoena to Facebook and Google. Investigators obtained data that matched Patel’s address, phone number, Texas driver’s license number, bank card number and other personal information.

Patel was arrested and charged with online impersonation, a third-degree felony, and with misrepresentation of identity, a Class A misdemeanor. Patel posted a combined $22,500 in bond to get out of jail and is scheduled to appear in court on July 22.

Patel’s online post last September tried to paint the Republican Party as having “deep and misguided fear.” The revelation was met with harsh criticism from local Republicans.

“Patel garnered widespread news coverage (like his former boss) for claiming that racist social media posts were made against him,” Eberle said in a statement, comparing him to actor Jussie Smollett. “Whether Republican or Democrat, such tactics should be unequivocally condemned by all who value integrity and accountability in politics.”

Requests for comment from Patel went unanswered. As local Republicans say, this country deserves a better person in local government than what Patel can provide.

Key Takeaways:

  • Local Democrat tried to hide behind “Scalywag” digital account but got exposed.
  • His Fort Bend County, Texas, opponent alerted authorities to the fake identity.
  • The Democrat wanted to paint Republicans as racist using fake social media posts.

Source: The Hill

June 18, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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