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Swing State Poll Sends Shockwaves Through D.C. – Democrats Can’t Believe These 2024 Results
Swing State Poll Sends Shockwaves Through D.C. – Democrats Can’t Believe These 2024 Results

It’s looking a lot like the efforts of leftists to attack former President Donald Trump through the justice system are backfiring. Trump continued to gain momentum even as he faced prison time in his latest Democrat-supported criminal trial.

Democrats spent all their justice system credits building criminal cases against Trump. Yet, to put it into today’s vernacular, Trump gained more street credit with every charge against him.

What Democrats didn’t anticipate was such strong voter support across election demographics in key swing states. Voters who Democrats depend on to win elections have shifted by large percentages to Trump’s side heading into the 2024 presidential election.

From The Daily Wire:
Former President Donald Trump is leading President Joe Biden in six out of seven key swing states as Americans believe the economy is going in the wrong direction, according to a new Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll.

The poll of nearly 5,000 registered voters found that Trump leads Biden in key states like Arizona (49-42), Georgia (49-43), Nevada (51-43), North Carolina (51-41), Pennsylvania (47-46), and Wisconsin (48-44), while Biden tops Trump in Michigan (47-45). The majority of those polled had a negative view of the economy’s direction, with many believing it would only get worse.

If polling continues like this into November, the old saying, “It’s the economy, stupid,” may be what sends Trump to a second term in the White House. The numbers in this latest poll leaned heavily in Trump’s favor and Democrats about the results.

Voters revealed that the economy ranked as the number one issue for voters polled with 34% saying it would be their top issue in November. Immigration was the only other top issue that polled in double digits at 15%, while the top issue for the Biden administration, abortion, polled at just 9%.

According to the poll, 70% of those surveyed believed the economy was going in the wrong direction, while 30% said it was going the right way. When asked how important the economy would be in determining who they pick for president, 82% said it would be “very important,” while 14% said it would be “somewhat important.”

To make matters worse for Democrats’ hopes this fall, Americans are still reeling from the effects of historically high inflation under Biden’s watch.

The poll showed 54% saying they expected inflation to intensify by the end of the year and 17% saying they believed it would improve. This majority believes inflation is worsening in part because Biden has been in office as people paid more for staples like food and gas.

The harsh inflation that is hitting Americans even prompted a political action committee backing Trump to promote a “Biden-mart” website last month. The site highlights the dramatic increases in food prices as people dismiss Biden’s claims of improving lives of Americans.

“People are really tying ‘Bidenomics’ and their perception of the economy to the inflation rate,” said Matt Monday, senior manager of Morning Consult.

Trump is also polling as more trustworthy than Biden as 51% of voters surveyed said they trust Trump more with the economy over Biden at 36%. Trump also topped Biden on the issue of good jobs by a tally of 46% to 38%.

Other issues voters found important included immigration (86%), crime (91%), education and schools (87%), and senior services (89%).

Key Takeaways:

  • A new poll showed voters are focused on the economy as November elections get closer.
  • The survey revealed that 70% of voters polled say the economy is going in the wrong direction.
  • Trump topped Biden among voters who believe Trump can be trusted more with the economy.

Source: The Daily Wire

April 27, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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