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Supreme Court Makes a Move Against Blue States – This Could Reverse 1 Anti-American Ban
Supreme Court Makes a Move Against Blue States – This Could Reverse 1 Anti-American Ban

The Supreme Court is always making decisions that affect millions of Americans. But in recent years, it appears the cases it rules on are becoming more and more critical. The court has issued decisions that have impacted every last American.

And it doesn’t sound as if that is going to change any time soon. In recent years, the court shot down state laws that restrict Americans’ freedom. It ended a landmark ruling that legalized abortion.

But it seems some of its biggest cases could happen in the future. Challengers have sued two large blue states for restrictions they placed on law-abiding Americans. And the highest court in the land just moved a step closer to ruling on them.

From Breitbart:
The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) is taking lawsuits against the Illinois “assault weapons” ban and the ban in Maryland into conference.

The conference is scheduled for May 16, at which point justices will decide whether to grant cert for the cases–Harrel v. Raoul and Bianchi v. Frosh–placing them on the SCOTUS docket…

“This could be the signal for which we have been waiting, that the Supreme Court may be ready to consider cases challenging bans on the most popular firearm in America today and their magazines.”

The Supreme Court decided to take two major lawsuits out of Illinois and Maryland into conference. On May 16, the court will meet and decide if it should place these cases on its docket.

The cases involve the blue states’ banning “assault weapons,” through laws recently signed by progressive governors. Challengers to these laws are pointing to the Supreme Court’s 2022 ruling that shot down a strict gun control law out of New York.

In recent years, Democrat governors have become increasingly aggressive in pushing gun control. In the absence of any new gun control from Congress or the White House, it appears these states are trying to push this liberal Holy Grail at their level.

Democrats have been trying to ban “assault weapons” for years. This misnomer is used to describe certain kinds of semi-automatic rifles, which are used lawfully by millions of Americans. Democrats rely on misinformation and propaganda via the media to attack these kinds of rifles, along with most other kinds of gun ownership.

Should the Supreme Court decide to take up these cases, it could end up overturning these laws.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Supreme Court is taking two lawsuits into conference.
  • The lawsuits come out of Illinois and Maryland and relate to their assault weapons ban.
  • Democrats have been trying to ban semi-automatic rifles for years.

Source: Breitbart

May 1, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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