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Supreme Court Justice Rocked by New Scandal – Joe’s Pick Is Now Under Heavy Fire
Supreme Court Justice Rocked by New Scandal – Joe’s Pick Is Now Under Heavy Fire

Democrats have been working overtime to meddle in the Supreme Court. Since the court gained a conservative majority, liberals have tried to undermine it. Some wanted to install term limits, and others wanted to pack the court with liberal justices.

The left has tried to take down respected court justices like Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito.

They threw wild accusations at these conservatives simply for partisan reasons. Democrats even tried to implicate Thomas due to his influential friends. But if they used the same standard against the liberal justices, they’d be in big trouble because Biden’s only addition to the court has just admitted to some exceptional treatment.

From Fox News:
Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson was gifted four concert tickets by pop superstar Beyoncé valued at $3,700, according to a financial disclosure.

The Biden appointee also disclosed a $900,000 advance for her upcoming memoir “Lovely One” out in September, and two gifts of artwork in her chambers worth $12,500…

Last year, Jackson, who was appointed to the court in 2022, also had a couple of eye-popping filings, including more than $6,500 in clothes from a photo shoot and a $1,200 flower display from Oprah Winfrey, according to The Hill.

Biden appointee Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson admitted she was gifted with thousands of dollars worth of Beyonce tickets. She was also paid a massive advance for her memoir and given artwork for her office worth $12,500.

These filings might not cause Democrats to bat an eye, but Republicans should be raising the alarm. The left tried to railroad Justice Thomas over trips he took with friends, claiming they were nefarious. What would Americans think if these gifts to Jackson were attempts at influencing her decisions in court?

Those who serve on the highest court in the land need to be above reproach. But should Americans fear that Jackson will be partial in some cases because of the perks she’s received from celebrities and big businesses?

I mean, a $900,000 advance is unheard of in the publishing world these days. Does her publisher really expect her to sell that many books… or is this just a “perk” of being a liberal justice?

Key Takeaways:

  • Biden appointee Justice Jackson admitted to gifts worth thousands of dollars.
  • Among them include Beyonce tickets valued at $4,000.
  • This comes after Democrats tried to defame Justice Thomas over trips with friends.

Source: Fox News

June 10, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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