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After Student Gets Kicked Out for Saying ‘Illegal Alien’ – The School Makes a Big Mistake
After Student Gets Kicked Out for Saying ‘Illegal Alien’ – The School Makes a Big Mistake

Public educators are supposed to be teaching the basics of education and then letting the students make their own choices about how the world works. But that is not the case in a leftist-dominated educational system where teachers and school officials try to brainwash students.

Anything deemed controversial in the eyes of the leftist is considered too offensive to be allowed in schools. Educators have transformed from those who inform into those who want to control the actions and minds of young people.

This has led to educators becoming “thought” police and places students in danger for exercising their God-given right to free speech. When students fight back, some educators fight dirty to get their way.

From The Daily Caller:
A North Carolina school district that suspended a student for using the term “illegal alien” failed to provide all public records pertaining to the incident that were requested by a parental-rights organization, the group told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Parents Defending Education (PDE) filed a records request about the suspension, but received only four emails totaling eight pages that were provided to the DCNF.

“The parents are looking to clear his record and essentially vindicating his constitutional rights to both free speech and due process,” said Dean McGee, an attorney with Liberty Justice Center representing Christian McGhee and his parents. “And his parents are also looking for damages.”

What appears to be a simple misunderstanding was apparently blown out of proportion by school officials with Christian McGhee, 16, being punished. He made a simple query about the topic of a class discussion and was booted from school for three days.

What horrible thing did this young man do to deserve a three-day suspension? He used the term “illegal aliens” during class while asking the teacher for clarification on a vocabulary assignment. A student complained about his word choice and the school punished him for his query, despite him and another student saying that the whole situation was no big deal.

An assistant principal decided McGhee’s conduct was a big deal and issued the suspension. What the uninformed school official didn’t know is that the term “alien” is defined in 8 USC 1101 as “any person not a citizen or national of the United States.” The term “illegal aliens” is used in multiple parts of the United States Code.

The school district has stated that the records request in question may involve confidential student information and would not be released or would be heavily redacted. The parental-rights organization argued the information should be released due to the lawsuit.

The PDE group is also targeting an apparent plan by the school district to instruct counselors on ways to hide information about a student’s gender identity. PDE argued that this is done through school system training designed to withhold what could become public information.

“Don’t write down anything or email anything you wouldn’t want a parent to see/know,” the presentation stated, according to information provided by PDE. Alex Nester, PDE investigative fellow, said these actions by the school district are “shameful” and show how the district is emboldened to push a political agenda on students.

“Whether punishing student speech or encouraging staff to exclude parents from sensitive information about their kids, it’s clear that Davidson administrators are more interested in virtue signaling their political correctness than doing right by the families and students they serve,” Nester said.

This isn’t an isolated issue in North Carolina. PDE reported 10 previous incidents in the state which included two school districts using policies to conceal the gender identity of a student from parents.

Key Takeaways:

  • A student sued his school district after he was expelled for saying the words “illegal alien.”
  • He was suspended for three days, and his parents filed a lawsuit to clear his name.
  • The district is in hot water after a parent-rights group said officials hid information.

Source: The Daily Caller

May 25, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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