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Hours After New Florida Shooting – Sheriff Quickly Points Out the Problem Is Not the Gun
By Mick Farthing|August 28, 2023
Hours After New Florida Shooting – Sheriff Quickly Points Out the Problem Is Not the Gun

What’s Happening:

Over the weekend, an armed man entered a Dollar General in Jacksonville, FL and killed three people. According to reports, the man targeted black Americans. Police reports indicate he wrote three manifestos that expressed an “ideology of hate.” Before police could intervene, the gunman took his own life.

News pundits were quick to use the horrible event to present their political agenda. Democrats within the media, as well as in the White House, spent the day promoting gun control as the solution to these kinds of crimes. The sheriff overseeing the situation had spent time investigating the gunman’s motives. And his response is cutting against the media’s narrative.

From The Post Millennial:

While many used the racially motivated shooting of three African Americans in Jacksonville, Florida on Saturday as an opportunity to push for more gun control, County Sheriff TK Waters placed the blame on the individual, not the weapon.

He slammed those who pushed the narrative that the firearm was the problem, and urged people to see the crime for what it was, a bad guy with a gun…

“If I could take my gun off right now, and I lay it on this counter, nothing will happen,” he continued. “It’ll sit there. But as soon as a wicked person grabs ahold of that handgun and starts shooting people with it, there’s the problem. The problem is the individual.”

County Sheriff TK Waters rejected the media’s claims that the recent Jacksonville shooting was caused by a lack of gun control. The sheriff stated that the real cause of this crime was a “bad guy” who entered a store, intent on harming others.

Instead of blaming guns or a lack of gun control, he said, “People are bad. This guy’s a bad guy.” According to reports, the gunman had left behind manifestos that expressed negative views toward people of color. Some are pointing to his motivation to hurt Americans, based on their race.

The sheriff pointed out that if he put down his gun, “nothing would happen.” But if a bad person grabbed his gun and used it to hurt others, “there’s the problem.” This sheriff is offering a point of view on shootings that is often ignored by the mainstream media and politicians.

Waters said that a gun is a “tool” and that “in this situation there was nothing illegal about owning the firearms.” The gunman had allegedly acquired his weapons legally but used them to break the law.

Reports indicate that the gunman worked alone and there was “no evidence” that he was part of an organized group.

Key Takeaways:

  • A gunman killed three black Americans at a Dollar General in Jacksonville, FL.
  • Reports indicate the killer’s actions were racially motivated, based on manifestos he left behind.
  • County Sheriff Waters rejected claims that a lack of gun control was to blame.

Source: The Post Millennial

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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