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Bombshell Photo Evidence Comes Out of D.C. – Everyone’s Been Waiting to See These Shocking Pics
Bombshell Photo Evidence Comes Out of D.C. – Everyone’s Been Waiting to See These Shocking Pics

What’s Happening:

One of the premiere law enforcement and security agencies – the one that protects the president of the United States – still appears to be stumped over a tiny bag of white powder. The power that this little bag wielded was so much that it forced the evacuation of the White House.

The Secret Service still claims it doesn’t know how the baggie got into the White House or who was responsible. What the agency has been forced to do is turn over some of the evidence in the mysterious cocaine case. The photos are finally out in the public thanks to the demands of one determined news media outlet.

From Fox News:
Photos showing the mysterious cocaine discovered inside the White House over the summer have been released after being obtained via a Freedom of Information Act request from the Secret Service by the Daily Mail.

White House cocaine photo

The little baggie saga began July 2 when a small amount of cocaine was found in a storage locker near the entrance to the White House’s West Wing. A member of the Secret Service found the baggie and the discovery launched an evacuation of the building and an emergency response to secure the substance.

Tests showed the baggie was positive for cocaine, according to the Secret Service. An investigation ensued, but the protectors of the president publicly stated that – despite all the security surveillance in the White House – that they were “not able” to identify a suspect. They then closed the investigation.

The whole scenario went viral and news media outlets covered the bag of cocaine and the investigation with wild theories about its origination. President Joe Biden was at Camp David at the time of the discovery along with his son, Hunter, a recovered crack cocaine addict. Speculations swirled that Hunter was possibly involved, but that was never proven.

The Secret Service stated that the area of the West Wing where the cocaine was found is used by both guests and staff. The plastic baggie didn’t reveal any “latent fingerprints and insufficient DNA was present for investigative comparisons,” according to the Secret Service which used the FBI lab for testing.

“Therefore, the Secret Service is not able to compare evidence against the known pool of individuals,” the Secret Service stated.

The feckless results of the investigation were condemned by Republican lawmakers who claimed it was another example of special treatment for the Biden family.

“They have cameras 24-7. It just seems to me when it comes to the ‘Biden, Inc.’ family, they get treated different than anybody else,” then-House Speaker Kevin McCarthy told Fox.

Maybe the White House should watch for some Black Friday specials on security cameras to add another layer of surveillance protection with the holiday rush of visitors ahead. And maybe add an old school  sign-in sheet for people using the lockers.

Key Takeaways:

  • Secretive photos of mysterious substance in the White House are released.
  • Little bag of cocaine created worldwide saga over the guilty person(s).
  • Premiere protectors of the president still say they don’t know the culprit.

Source: Fox News

November 14, 2023
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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