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After Damning Pelosi Video Surfaces – Nancy Makes 1 Wild Trump Supporter Accusation
After Damning Pelosi Video Surfaces – Nancy Makes 1 Wild Trump Supporter Accusation

Nancy Pelosi is having one a hell of a week. After blaming Trump for the events of January 6, 2021, for years, a video surfaced showing her saying she took “full responsibility.” In the leaked video, she claims that there should have been more police, even the National Guard, on the scene.

This video contradicts claims she and other House Democrats have been making. So, you better believe she is trying to do damage control right now.

Pelosi appeared on MSNBC to cover her butt. She completely rejected the video evidence, claiming Trump is pushing a “revisionist history.” She tried to, again, blame Trump for everything that happened. Instead, she made a few priceless gaffes and one ugly accusation.

From The Post Millennial:
In an interview with MSNBC, Pelosi did not take responsibility for the hundreds of people who were able to breach the Capitol…

“The fact is, the president of the United States– the former president, and his toadies do not want to face the facts,” Pelosi replied…

Pelosi went on to call the actions of those who stormed the Capitol “shameful,” claiming they had been carrying “Confederate flags and Nazi flags” as they entered the building…

“This president who incit– this former president who incited this insurrection would not send the National Guard for hours,” she stated.

Sounds like old Nance is stuck in 2019! While trying to dodge responsibility for the Capitol breach, she twice referred to Donald Trump as “the president.” Only afterward did she correct herself by saying the “former” president. It seems Pelosi’s brainwaves haven’t updated since 2021, when Joe Biden became president.

She spent four years bad-mouthing President Trump, so she can’t switch gears. But that is only half of the inane things she said during this interview.

It is pretty alarming to think she is refusing to take responsibility for the breach. Even when faced with a video of her saying she did on the very day, she continues to deny it. What would a psychiatrist say about this level of denial?

But the worst thing she said was that Trump supporters who entered the Capitol were waving “Confederate flags and Nazi flags.” It is unknown if anyone was flying those flags on January 6. Yet Pelosi is making this claim to push a narrative that Trump supporters are racists and Nazis. That is an ugly and dishonest claim, which could put American citizens in harm’s way.

Yet Pelosi has no problem slandering American citizens, the very people she claims to be serving as a congresswoman. I guess she’d rather slam Trump than look after the well-being of Americans.

Key Takeaways:

  • Pelosi denied video footage where she took responsibility for the January 6 Capitol breach.
  • She made several gaffes during an interview, calling Trump “the president.”
  • The Democrat accused Trump supporters of carrying “Confederate flags and Nazi flags.”

Source: The Post Millennial

June 12, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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