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Gay OnlyFans Star Claims Kamala Harris Campaign Offered $1,500 to Bash Trump on TikTok
Gay OnlyFans Star Claims Kamala Harris Campaign Offered $1,500 to Bash Trump on TikTok

Kamala Harris and her fellow Democrats are more desperate than ever to defeat Donald Trump in this election. This shameless desperation was just made more clear than ever when Harris launched a sleazy, below-the-belt effort to try and take a shot at Trump.

Unfortunately for Harris, however, she failed at this just as she does with many things in her political career. Indeed, it didn’t take long for this move to blow up in her face.

Harris’ top allies reportedly reached out to the gay OnlyFans star Michael Doherty, 22, in an attempt to solicit him to produce anti-Trump content ahead of the Democratic National Convention. What they seemingly didn’t know, however, is that Doherty is a proud conservative who supports Trump!

From The New York Post:
“When this agency reached out to me, I was shocked,” the sex star and social-media influencer with 775,000 followers told The Post. “For one, I can’t believe the ‘when-we-go-low-they-go-high’ liberals would pay people to talk trash about Trump . . . Secondly, I can’t believe this agency would be so dumb as to not Google me.

“I’m conservative-leaning. I even wear American flag underwear and shoot guns on my OnlyFans,” The Long Island native.

“Just because I do OnlyFans, doesn’t mean I whore out my values. I would never sell out for Kamala Harris,” he added.

Instructions To Doherty Are Revealed 

On July 26, Doherty received a solicitation from the influencer marketing company Palette MGMT. Future Forward, the largest and most influential Democratic SuperPAC currently in operation, requested this.

The content of what he was sent is nothing short of disturbing. It shows just how low Harris and those who support her are willing to go, just to make Trump look bad.

More from The Post:
“Hi Michael, I hope you’re doing well! I’m reaching out on behalf of one of Palette’s partners with an exciting paid offer to create and post anti-Trump content on TikTok,” senior marketing coordinator Fernanda Oliveira Araujo wrote in a missive shared with The Post.

The message promised $1,500 for a single TikTok video under 90 seconds in length. Araujo also shared a “creator brief” from Palette with the skinny on what Kamala-land was looking for.

“The new generation of 18 to 24-year-old American voters have forgotten what a Trump presidency looks like. In what is shaping up to be a competitive election year, we want to remind voters of the reality of Trump as president,” the prompt began.

The notice asked Doherty to make the video in the style of man-on-the-street interviews.

“Trump or my racist uncle at Thanksgiving,” was one suggested idea where Doherty could show voters “insane quotes from Trump and have people guess who said it.”

Palette also warned that any ad “could not show any form of support for Donald Trump and his allies” or show any “funny” moments from the former president “without providing context.”

This is just about as low as it gets!

Harris And Her Fellow Democrats Are Getting Desperate 

Clearly, Democrats are starting to fear that Harris won’t be able to win over young voters. Over the past few weeks, the left has been pushing the false narrative that Harris has always been an incredibly beloved figure. The reality, however, could not be further from the truth. The numbers have long shown that throughout Joe Biden’s presidency, she’s actually been one of the least popular vice presidents of all time.

Harris has struggled with likability from the beginning of her political career. When she is put in front of a crowd, her lack of charisma becomes apparent immediately. More than with any other demographic, this will hurt her among young voters who are eager to vote for a candidate that they like on a personal level.

Given how much Democrats depend on the votes of ignorant young voters who are easier to sway, losing them is simply not something that they can afford to have happen.

Harris and her fellow Democrats are trying to give the appearance that they are confident that she’ll beat Trump. Her pathetic message to this OnlyFans creator, however, indicates that they are panicking behind the scenes.

It also shows that there’s no limit to how low Harris will go in the hopes of defeating Trump. Watch out for more below the belt strategies from Harris and her campaign in the months to come.

Key Takeaways:

  • Harris offers gay OnlyFans creator $1,500 to make anti-Trump content.
  • This backfires when he’s revealed to be a proud Trump supporter.
  • This shows that Harris is willing to go as low as she can just to beat Trump.

Source: The New York Post, Axios

August 6, 2024
James Conrad
James is an Ivy League graduate who has been passionate about politics for many years. He also loves movies, running, tennis...and freedom!
James is an Ivy League graduate who has been passionate about politics for many years. He also loves movies, running, tennis...and freedom!
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