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Gavin Newsom Warned by Victor Davis Hanson That Signing Mortgages for Illegals Will End Career
Gavin Newsom Warned by Victor Davis Hanson That Signing Mortgages for Illegals Will End Career

Throughout his time as the governor of California, Gavin Newsom has repeatedly shown that he prioritizes illegal aliens over American citizens in his state. Now, however, he may have finally taken this too far.

Last week, the California Assembly passed AB 184. This bill would allow illegal aliens in California with Social Security or taxpayer-identification numbers to qualify for a program that provides first-time homebuyers with a loan of up to $150,000.

Hoover Institution senior fellow Victor Davis Hanson is now warning Newsom that if he signs this bill into law, he will effectively be ending his own political career. Indeed, signing this would prove once and for all that Newsom cares more about illegal aliens than he does about California residents who are actually American citizens.

From The Daily Caller:
“If he signs that he knows that his career is over, done, he’ll never be elected, because that’ll be a campaign ad for the rest of his life. He’s trying to figure out what to do, but there is a sickness upon the land that all of us are witnessing,” Hanson said. He continued to question how some in the U.S. could allow people to remain in the country while knowing they’ve been “breaking the law.”

“There is some deep-seated either self-loathing of oneself or of one’s country or city or state, but that’s the only explanation how an entire society could go stark raving mad and allow people who are foreign nationals to come into their country, knowingly breaking the law,” Hanson continued. “Then knowingly breaking the law a second time by staying here and then knowingly breaking the law, either with this type of activity or applying for things up that which they’re not eligible.”

“And we don’t do anything about it because of what? Because we feel that either we’re culpable or we’re too wealthy,” Hanson said. “No, we’re $36 trillion in aggregate debt. California has a $50 billion annual deficit. Our roads are crumbling. Our infrastructure is crumbling. There are people homeless on the street. We are a Dickensian society in decay. We don’t have that money.”

A New Low For Democrats

This legislation is quite frankly a new low for Democrats. It is nothing short of insane that a piece of legislation as far-left and anti-American as this one has gotten this far.

Democrats claim that their quest to help illegal aliens is a human rights issue. In reality, this is all a strategy for Democrats to win elections and, therefore, remain in power. For years, Democrats have alienated millions of actual American citizens with their failed radically liberal policies. This has forced them to rely on the votes of illegal immigrants if they want to keep winning elections.

That’s why Democrats have targeted voter ID laws in the hopes of making it as easy as possible for illegal aliens to vote. That’s also why Democrats are shamelessly trying to win over illegal aliens with woke pieces of legislation like AB 184, just to ensure that they keep their votes.

Unfortunately for Democrats, an increasing number of Americans are starting to see through what they’re doing. We’re simply not going to let them get away with it. In the end, Newsom might want to heed Hanson’s warning about AB 184. If Newsom ends up signing this bill into law, he might just be kissing goodbye to his political career.

Key Takeaways: 

  • Newsom warned that his political career will be “over” if he signs a new bill into law.
  • Bill would give major benefits to illegal aliens.
  • Democrats have prioritized illegal immigrants over American citizens for far too long.

Source: The Daily Caller

September 7, 2024
James Conrad
James is an Ivy League graduate who has been passionate about politics for many years. He also loves movies, running, tennis...and freedom!
James is an Ivy League graduate who has been passionate about politics for many years. He also loves movies, running, tennis...and freedom!
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