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Newsom Tries to Make Up with Trump Supporters. Then Voters Are Reminded of His Past Statements.
Newsom Tries to Make Up with Trump Supporters. Then Voters Are Reminded of His Past Statements.

The Democratic Party is still reeling from this election. Not only did they lose the presidency, they also lost the Senate and the House.

Indeed, this was a clear referendum on the entire Democratic Party. With these election results, the American people let it be known that they are sick of the antics of the woke far-left side of the party.

In the wake of the election, Gavin Newsom sent a surprising message to the millions of people who voted for Trump. With his eyes seemingly already on a potential 2028 presidential run, Newsom attempted to make a call for unity.

From California Globe:
“It’s not about voters, I care about people. And there may be a lot of Trump supporters here, but that doesn’t matter, I’m going to still have their backs. They need us to have their backs, not turn our backs on them. California may be the largest economy in the U.S. but that’s cold comfort for certain regions in this state that don’t feel like they’re fully engaged in the prosperity that is the state. The economy is not one economy; it’s a network of regions.”

Unfortunately for Newsom, however, this is a very different tune than what he was singing just a few short months ago. In the wake of his unity message, Newsom’s past has come back to haunt him in the form of remarks he made back in June.

Just five months ago, Newsom was eager to rant against the “poisonous populism of the right.” He also described the blue state of California as being “the antidote” to fearmongering policies prevalent across red states.

From The Hill:
“The California way of life we recognize is under attack,” Newsom said in his pre-recorded State of the State address. “For conservatives and delusional California-bashers, their success depends on our failure.”

Accusing Republicans of steering the country “towards a darker future,” Newsom warned that these politicians are intent upon rolling back social, economic and racial justice, as well as clean water and air policies and “basic fundamental fairness.”

Newsom Doubles Down

Not stopping there, Newsom accused Republicans of “cutting health care benefits and telling a woman she’s not in charge of her own body” under a “distorted prism of political pandering.”

“Their draconian policies are driving women to flee across state lines as fugitives from laws written by men more than 100 years ago,” Newsom continued.

The context of Newsom’s June speech in which he ranted against millions of conservatives makes his latest remarks all the more hilarious. Newsom has never had the backs of Trump supporters. That is, he didn’t until he realized on Election Day that Trump supporters are the clear majority in this country. Now, he’s crawling back in the desperate hopes of earning his way into our good graces.

It won’t work, but it’ll be fun to see him try!

In all seriousness, Newsom’s latest comments on Trump supporters show that he and the rest of his party have realized that Harris and many other Democrats went too far left. In the years ahead, it wouldn’t be surprising if we see more Democrats head closer to the center.

Sorry, far-leftists, but wokeness might really be dead!

Key Takeaways: 

  • Newsom claims he has the backs of Trump supporters post-election.
  • Yet months ago, Newsom was ranting against the “poisonous populism of the right.”
  • Newsom and other Democrats have realized they went too far left.

Sources: California Globe, The Hill

November 28, 2024
James Conrad
James is an Ivy League graduate who has been passionate about politics for many years. He also loves movies, running, tennis...and freedom!
James is an Ivy League graduate who has been passionate about politics for many years. He also loves movies, running, tennis...and freedom!
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