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After Newsom Begs California Residents for Help – Their Responses Are Brutal Karma for Gavin
After Newsom Begs California Residents for Help – Their Responses Are Brutal Karma for Gavin

Politicians are always looking for ways to leave a legacy long after they leave office. Most want something profoundly positive to enshrine their efforts during their time of service.

One blue state governor, who arguably doesn’t have a positive track record, made the mistake of asking the public for input into one of his pet projects. The reactions were hilarious, but in a matter-of-fact, “you completely failed” sort of way.

California Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom has for years ignored his failures while trying to spin all the negative into a positive. Now he wants people to help him conjure up positive images and sayings to put on a vanity coin showcasing his legacy. He got just what he was asking for in the many responses.

From Fox News:
Newsom on Thursday asked for the public’s help in designing a new $1 coin to honor the state’s innovations, but many of the responses pointed to anything but positive accomplishments for which the state was once proudly known.

“Under your bold leadership, California has developed a truly unrivaled method of incinerating money,” Jim Stanley, the press secretary for the State Assembly Republicans wrote in the letter. “While most people would think it impossible to spend $24 billion on homelessness only to see the problem grow rapidly, you have proved the naysayers wrong.”

Stanley then provided his suggestions, which depicted homeless encampments and fire.

Other users suggested placing illegal immigrants on the coin, high gas prices or someone using drugs.

Newsom attempted to characterize his idea of images and sayings for the coin as a way to highlight California innovation like Silicon Valley and the tech boom as well as leading the way in wildlife conservation.

One has to wonder how brainless Newsom really is that he would put this idea out there and not expect swift and harsh responses. He and the state legislature have been under fire for failing to address California’s $73 billion budget deficit and have been criticized for overspending.

Newsom has also been confronted over his apparent affinity for national issues like his pro-abortion stance instead of harsh issues facing the state, including an insurance crisis, affordability crisis, rising crime, wildfire risks and skyrocketing electric costs.

Another idea might be an enlarged head of Newsome atop a homeless tent fiddling while all of California burned like the ancient Roman ruler credited with the same situation.

Newsom was slapped around over his coin idea from across the state. One person said, “A coin contest seems totally out of touch and ridiculous,” and suggested the governor contact Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis about how to run a successful state.

More suggestions poured in through social media platform X, including a coin with the state of California, electric batteries and a mask symbolizing the governor’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. These are the true accomplishments, or failures, under Newsom’s watch.

Key Takeaways:

  • California Gov. Newsom was slammed with comments about his new $1 coin idea.
  • People suggested the coin depict the true failures under Newsom’s time in office.
  • Homelessness, fires, economic troubles, and a massive state debt topped the list.

Source: Fox News

April 30, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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