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Trump Campaign Makes Epic Move Online – Reveals 1 Harsh Truth Biden Doesn’t Want You to Know
Trump Campaign Makes Epic Move Online – Reveals 1 Harsh Truth Biden Doesn’t Want You to Know

Joe Biden continues to claim his presidency has been a smashing success. He seems to have, once again, forgotten about the border crisis. Biden’s biggest “victory” has been spending hundreds of billions of U.S. tax dollars… on Ukraine’s war with Russia.

But Biden’s biggest blunder, perhaps, is one he and his administration are adamantly denying.

Democrats are pointing to various reports and statements that appear to be contradicting the plain facts. Americans are feeling Biden’s failures every day. So, a Trump-backing PAC has decided to launch a website that clearly portrays how Biden has hurt American consumers.

From Daily Wire:
A political action committee backing former President Donald Trump’s 2024 election campaign has rolled out a new website highlighting the dramatic increase in grocery prices since President Joe Biden took office…

“Every time you go grocery shopping you are reminded of the failure of ‘Bidenomics,’” Alex Pfeiffer, spokesman for MAGA INC, told The Daily Mail, which first reported on the website. “Joe Biden’s inflation is robbing hard-working Americans of their money.”

A pro-Trump PAC launched a website that shows how much more groceries cost since Joe Biden entered office. Biden-Mart allows you to select common groceries from a list—the everyday foods you purchase for your family. At the bottom of the page, it shows the average cost of those groceries under Trump—and today under Biden.

On average, the cost of basic groceries today is close to 50% higher than when Trump was president. This is much worse than the mild inflation numbers Biden has been talking about.

Such high costs are hurting families, restaurants, schools, and other businesses. Biden claims America’s economy is the “envy of the world.” Yet his own surrogates are admitting that inflation won’t get any better under his presidency.

Can you afford to watch eggs, bread, and milk get 50%, 60%, or 70% more expensive? Perhaps the rich liberal elite Biden caters to can afford those kinds of jumps—but not the rest of us.

Key Takeaways:

  • A Trump PAC launched a website illustrating how expensive groceries have become under Biden.
  • “Biden-Mart” compares the average prices under Trump and Biden. Most food costs 50% more since Biden took office.
  • Biden has ignored or outright lied about inflation and his failures on the economy.

Source: Daily Wire

April 2, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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