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Massive Ukraine Scandal Breaks in D.C. – Biden’s in Hot Water Over This One
Massive Ukraine Scandal Breaks in D.C. – Biden’s in Hot Water Over This One

Joe Biden has pushed for billions in Ukraine aid. This taxpayer money, however, isn’t going to help Ukraine refugees or victims of war. Instead, it is money to provide bombs, weapons, and other military equipment. Biden is using the Ukraine war to bankroll the military-industrial complex, special interest groups that run D.C.

House Republicans fought to block more money from going to Ukraine. Americans are getting tired of another president using their money to fund foreign wars.

Recently, Republicans in the House went back on their word and provided another $300 million of America’s money to fund Ukraine’s war with Russia. But, it looks like Biden never listened to Republicans at all. Because his Pentagon was spending money to arm Ukraine, even without approval from Congress.

From Daily Caller:
The Pentagon spent hundreds of millions in aid to Ukraine four months before Congress ever approved it, Politico reported Monday.

President Joe Biden on Saturday signed off on Congress’ $1.2 trillion 2024 spending bill which included roughly $300 million for the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (USAI), as Kyiv has not received funding from Congress in over a year. The $300 million had already been spent by the Department of Defense (DOD) in November…

Therefore, the $300 million in aid included in the appropriations bill has no current physical value and “is not available to us right now,” a U.S. official speaking anonymously told Politico.

The Pentagon spent $300 million of taxpayer’s money on weapons for Ukraine, even when Congress had not approved new Ukraine war spending. The Biden administration spent that cash in November, without anyone’s knowledge or consent.

They claim they “had” to, because of the continuing resolution at the time. That doesn’t sound even remotely accurate.

Now, the Pentagon says it can’t spend any more money on Ukraine, because it spent the money in this bill back then. But if Biden spent money for Ukraine back when he had zero dollars to do so… why wouldn’t he do it again?

Biden has been pounding the war drum for years claiming we have to defeat Putin. But the president has failed to provide any clear answer for how this war is going to end. Instead of urging peace, he has only helped fund more fighting.

And he is doing it without anyone knowing it’s being done.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Pentagon spent $300 million in November for Ukraine, without any approval.
  • The House approved $300 million in a new spending package, but that money has already been spent.
  • Biden has demanded more and more American dollars to fund the foreign war.

Source: Daily Caller

March 26, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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