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Marco Rubio Reveals Genius Plan to Stop Riots – Here’s His Punishment for Pro-Hamas Protesters
Marco Rubio Reveals Genius Plan to Stop Riots – Here’s His Punishment for Pro-Hamas Protesters

I think at this point we are all tired of hearing from and about the protestors across campuses in America. In fact, the daycare going on at these schools is unbelievable at times and the ways that school administrators are giving in to their demands is sickening at times. If your toddler is throwing a tantrum about eating ice cream for breakfast, do you give it to them or do you make them eat something with substance?

By giving in we are signaling that we can be controlled by toddlers.

Well, luckily Marco Rubio came up with a solution for how we should handle these protestors and honestly I think I’m on board. Some might consider it a bit extreme punishment but I think you can easily make the case that its a reasonable response to what is going on. Check out what his solution is:

The First Amendment guarantees every American the right to free speech, but no one has the right to destroy private property, trespass illegally, or attack innocent people,” Rubio and Pfluger wrote. “This is why college administrators are justified in disbanding anti-Israel protests-turned-riots by force.

Yes – exactly. I’m not sure how anyone could disagree with these statements but then you hear people say why are you more upset about broken windows and not the loss of lives? First of all that isn’t even true, but second of all, if we lose order we lose everything. Society functions because everyone for the most part decides to play by the rules. The moment that goes out the window we risk entire collapse of our country.

Here’s the real kicker though – Rubio didn’t stop there. Its a bit fiery but I am a fan.

We can and should, however, go one step further: we should deport the non-Americans who have participated in these riots.

Interesting…there is something to be said for those who are in our country but are not a citizen of our country. Should there be a separate set of rules for those people? Of course there should be. If you are coming to America you should try and assimilate into our culture and abide by our values. If you don’t like them, there are hundreds of other countries that might suit your needs. Plenty of countries in the Middle East would love to hear your views about these protests – why don’t these people want to go live there?

Well maybe we should help them go live there. If you are not born here, living in America is a privilege. Hard stop. With that privilege comes rules and regulations if you want to stay. The things we are witnessing on these college campuses hurts my soul and they need to be stopped. What gives you the right to come to our country and then break the law and the result is that WE have to change our ways and not YOU change your ways?

Do you agree with Rubio? Should we enact this rule for our non citizen protestors?

Source: Daily Wire

May 9, 2024
Matt Thompson
Matt Thompson is a Texas-born patriot with a love for Justice and Politics. After being fed up with the system, he started writing for Patriot Journal to help spread American Values.
Matt Thompson is a Texas-born patriot with a love for Justice and Politics. After being fed up with the system, he started writing for Patriot Journal to help spread American Values.
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