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Woke Hollywood Gets Worst Update Yet – This New Development Could Self-Destruct Tinseltown
By Mick Farthing|August 31, 2023
Woke Hollywood Gets Worst Update Yet – This New Development Could Self-Destruct Tinseltown

What’s Happening:

As you probably know, Hollywood has been suffering lately. You’re heartbroken, I’m sure. The industry was hit with major setbacks during the 2020 shutdowns. But more than that, Americans have been tuning out thanks to aggressive, woke messaging in nearly everything the industry makes.

But things got much worse when the writer’s union went on strike.

The leftist industry is eating itself, as socialist writers demand more money from liberal studio executives. Even as Hollywood crumbles under boycotts and streaming stealing its business, executives refuse to make a deal. And now, it appears the top brass is getting desperate.

From Deadline:

Amid growing speculation of internal divisions within the C-suites and a lack of any apparent path forward to end the writers and actors strikes, the chiefs of Hollywood’s biggest studios are set to gather today…

As the blowback intensifies from the disastrous August 22 meeting with Iger, Sarandos, Langley, Zaslav, the AMPTP’s Lombardini and WGA negotiators, and subsequent release of the studios’ latest proposal, there are no new talks set with the guild.

Things are getting very bad for woke Hollywood. The top executives from major companies met to discuss what they were going to do. Talks earlier in the month broke down, leaving the future of the industry in greater jeopardy.

Apparently, executives from Disney, Amazon, Netflix, Universal, and Warner Bros held a digital meeting. It’s unclear if they have any intention of agreeing with writers’ demands. This strike seems much worse than the infamous strike of 2007–which shut down California and contributed to the 2008 recession.

Modern-day writers are far more militant in their Marxist ideals. They are outraged that executives are earning more than they. And they seem unwilling to settle for anything less than their demands.

This comes at the very worst time for Hollywood. More and more Americans are turning to alternative entertainment, so their dollars won’t support pro-LGBT or other progressive content. Hollywood might not be able to survive much longer without new content.

The Venice Film Festival, a staple in the industry’s calendar, was practically a ghost town. Top films were pulled from the event. Blockbuster films might be delayed, hurting studios even more.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Hollywood writers’ strike continues to hammer the woke industry.
  • Top executives held an emergency meeting this week, but there is no end in sight.
  • Hollywood has been in decline for years, with Americans tuning off its woke content.

Source: Deadline

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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