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KJP Makes Her Most Ridiculous Claim Yet – This One is So Bad, She Gets a “Gaslight Award”
By Sean Kerrvin|September 1, 2023
KJP Makes Her Most Ridiculous Claim Yet – This One is So Bad, She Gets a “Gaslight Award”

Joe Biden and his minions continue to tell bald-faced lies. They think the American people don’t pay attention to what is going on in this country. Many believe Biden and his entire administration have caused more problems and hurt more people across the country than any president in modern history.

Biden’s policies have made America less safe, more expensive, and less secure against outside dangers. The border crisis is one of the biggest problems created by direct actions from Biden. He promised from the campaign trail to open the border and he has delivered on that promise to the point anyone, including drug gangs and foreign enemies, can come and go as they please.

An even bigger problem for Biden is when his mouthpiece looks the American people in the eyes and lies. This tactic to deceive everyone was on full display this week. Biden’s press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, opened her mouth and claimed Biden was the best at what he does. When asked about Biden’s immigration policies, she made a ridiculous claim that stunned anyone still listening to her.

From Fox News:

“The president has done more to secure the border and to deal with this issue of immigration than anybody else,” Jean-Pierre proudly said. “He really has.”

Yet he really hasn’t. Many think Biden is a complete fool when it comes to immigration and border security. Literally millions of illegal immigrants have crossed the borders in swarms during Biden’s presidency.

Joe has allowed Mexican drug cartels to run back and forth across the border like it was their personal driveway. Thousands of immigrants have died trying to illegally get into the United States. The border is regularly used to smuggle drugs and traffic humans for sell in the sex industry in the United States.

Jean-Pierre seems ready to lie for her boss at the drop of a hat. The public mockery and criticism of Jean-Pierre was swift and harsh by users of X, formerly known as Twitter.

“Give me a break. A record amount of fentanyl has flooded across the border, there have been 7.2 million illegal border crossings and 1.4 million ‘gotaways,’” conservative commentator Steve Guest said.

The Spectator contributing editor Stephen L. Miller may have said it best among the criticism.

“Every journalist under the sun knows this isn’t true,” Miller said. “She gets up and says this, and right now in Blue States they are screaming about migration emergencies. She still gets away with it.”

Jean-Pierre is a gaslighting goon and the media needs to call her out on her lies. She and Biden have no respect for Americans and how much damage his border policies have done to every citizen in this country.

Key Takeaways

  • Biden’s press secretary claims he is the best president on border security.
  • Millions of illegal aliens have crossed the border with Biden as president.
  • Criticism of Jean-Pierre was swift across social media.

Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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