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Kamala Fans Asked to Name Her Accomplishments, But They Struggle to Answer
Kamala Fans Asked to Name Her Accomplishments, But They Struggle to Answer

The Democratic Party rushed to replace an aging Joe Biden with Kamala Harris. They had no choice; Biden had waited so long to drop out that no one else could take his place. Harris has only weeks to convince voters she will be a better president than Donald Trump, who helped strengthen America in his first term.

Despite her lack of appeal, Harris enjoys support from Democrat voters in deep blue states.

She recently spoke at a—big surprise—teachers’ union event in Houston, TX. Supporters from liberal states came to listen to her spout the same, tired liberal talking points. Fox News decided to interview these supporters. They pressed them for reasons they support the vice president. Fox asked for specific accomplishments that convinced these people Harris was right for the job. This is what they said.

From Fox News:
Attendees of Vice President Kamala Harris’ address to the American Federation of Teachers’ Convention last week struggled in interviews to pinpoint specific policy accomplishments by the presidential hopeful.

“I really don’t know much of what she did,”…

“I’m not sure I know enough about her accomplishments to answer that question,”…

Attendees highlighted her titles as California attorney general, senator and vice president, but little was said about her time in those roles.

Harris Supporters Come Up Empty

Kamala Harris, the first female Vice President of the United States, has been hailed by liberal pundits as the future of the party. As she struggles to convince voters that she is a legitimate Democrat nominee, critics are examining her track record. However, a recent revealing incident has put her accomplishments—or the perceived lack thereof—under the microscope.

In an interview conducted by Fox News, several of Harris’s staunch supporters were asked to list her significant policy achievements during her tenure in politics. The responses, or rather the hesitations and struggles to provide clear examples, have sparked a wider conversation about her effectiveness as a politician and leader.

All Fluff, No Substance

Fox News spoke with supporters who attended the American Federation of Teachers’ Convention. These are devout Democrats who should be following the Biden administration very closely. When asked about Harris’s accomplishments, they could only offer empty talking points. A few admired her, but they couldn’t think of anything she had done.

Others spouted off vague comments like how she “delivered” for working people. How? Well, they could say that. Others said she is at the “forefront of human rights, civil rights and LGBTQ rights since she was a prosecutor in California.” I guess they didn’t realize Harris sent thousands of black men to prison while AG, over minor drug offenses. Not very progressive of her, huh? It seems most of them were more concerned over her gender and race, not over what she has actually done while in office.

Harris: Identity Politics Candidate?

Many critics claim Biden only picked Harris to be his vice president because she was a woman of color. Harris was one of the bottom-performing 2020 presidential primary candidates. She is frequently mocked for her inability to communicate or understand top issues. Presently, she seems to be merely a prop candidate for the liberal establishment. She might be someone who will just rubber-stamp the left’s agenda.

If that is the case, then her accomplishments don’t matter. Democrat voters will like her just because she is a minority and not Donald Trump. The damage she’ll cause to the country won’t matter. Democrats will just stick their heads in the sand, just as they did with Biden.

Key Takeaways:

  • Kamala Harris’s supporters struggled to list her significant policy accomplishments in a recent interview.
  • Most spouted liberal talking points or vague claims.
  • It seems Democrat voters are only impressed with Harris because of her race and gender.

Source: Fox News

July 31, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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