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Kamala’s DOJ Seeks Prison for Pro-Lifers Over Peaceful Protest
By Mick Farthing|September 26, 2024
Kamala’s DOJ Seeks Prison for Pro-Lifers Over Peaceful Protest

It’s no secret that the Democrats are on a warpath to enforce their radical, woke agenda at any cost. They talk about “tolerance” and “equity,” but their real goal is to crush anyone who dares to stand in their way, especially law-abiding conservatives.

Under this administration, it’s as if the basic rights of pro-life advocates, gun owners, and anyone who holds traditional American values have become a target for persecution.

The Democrats are so obsessed with pushing their progressive ideals that they will do anything to silence those who disagree. They scream about “protecting rights,” but it’s only the rights they care about.

If you’re a Christian standing up for the unborn, they’ll drag you through the mud, prosecute you, and throw you in jail. It’s becoming clearer every day that the Biden administration’s Justice Department is nothing more than a weapon to attack conservatives while turning a blind eye to their own side’s offenses.

From Daily Wire:
The Justice Department is seeking prison time for two pro-life Christians convicted of violating federal law for their roles in a peaceful protest at a Tennessee abortion facility.

Pro-life activists Chester Gallagher, Heather Idoni, and Eva Edl are all set to be sentenced this week for their participation in a sit-in protest at a Mt. Juliet, Tennessee, abortion facility in March 2021. The Justice Department has asked for federal judges to impose a prison sentence on both Gallagher and Idoni, while asking for Edl to be given probation.

Persecuting Peaceful Pro-Lifers: The Latest Outrage

In yet another shocking abuse of power, the Justice Department is seeking prison time for two pro-life Christians convicted for their peaceful protest at an abortion facility in Tennessee. Chester Gallagher, Heather Idoni, and Eva Edl are being punished for one simple reason: they stood up for the unborn.

Their crime? Participating in a peaceful sit-in where they prayed, sang hymns, and tried to persuade women not to go through with the horror of abortion. For this, the Biden administration wants to lock them up.

Gallagher, 75 years old, is facing a potential 20-month prison sentence, while Idoni could serve eight months. The fact that an 89-year-old survivor of a communist concentration camp, Eva Edl, is also being prosecuted shows just how far this administration is willing to go.

Edl has already been convicted and could face prison for simply protesting the killing of innocent children. Let that sink in: someone who survived true tyranny is now being persecuted by her own government for standing up for life. Is this the America we know and love?

The FACE Act: A Tool of the Left

The charges against these peaceful protesters are based on the FACE Act, a law originally designed to protect access to abortion clinics. But under Biden and Harris, this law has been weaponized to go after pro-lifers like never before.

According to attorney Steve Crampton of the Thomas More Society, a staggering 97% of prosecutions under this law have targeted pro-lifers. Yes, you read that correctly—nearly every single case brought under the FACE Act has been aimed at those defending life.

And it gets worse. The Biden-Harris administration is resurrecting conspiracy laws from the Reconstruction era to slap even harsher penalties on these peaceful activists. These laws were originally designed to combat violent groups like the Ku Klux Klan, but now they’re being twisted to silence Christians peacefully praying outside abortion clinics.

Gallagher, Idoni, and Edl have been charged with “conspiracy against rights” as if they were some dangerous threat, all for sitting in a hallway and urging women to choose life over death.

Selective Prosecution and the Assault on Pro-Lifers

The Biden administration is not content with simply enforcing the law; they’re selectively targeting those who oppose their radical abortion agenda. As Crampton pointed out, a whopping 25% of all FACE Act cases since its inception in 1994 have been brought in the last two years alone, and nearly all of them against pro-lifers.

Meanwhile, pregnancy centers and churches, which are supposed to be protected under this law, are being attacked with little to no action from the DOJ. The administration’s bias couldn’t be clearer.

Crampton is optimistic that these cases can be overturned on appeal. After all, with the overturning of Roe v. Wade in the Dobbs decision, abortion is no longer a federally protected right. The FACE Act, therefore, has lost its purpose and should be rendered unconstitutional.

Furthermore, the Supreme Court’s decision in the Fischer case, which limits the Justice Department’s ability to prosecute January 6 protesters, could also apply here. In both cases, the DOJ is dredging up old laws to persecute protesters in ways those laws were never meant to be used.

A Call to Action

This isn’t just about a few peaceful protesters. This is about the future of our country and the values we hold dear. The Biden administration is using its power to criminalize conservative beliefs, targeting Christians who stand up for the most vulnerable in our society: the unborn. If we allow this persecution to continue unchecked, who will be next?

It’s time for conservatives to rally together and push back against this outrageous overreach. We must defend the rights of all Americans, including the pro-life activists who peacefully protest the barbaric practice of abortion. If we don’t fight for our values now, we risk losing them forever.

Let’s stand up, speak out, and remind the world that life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are rights that belong to everyone—even those who dare to challenge the left’s radical agenda.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Biden administration’s DOJ is targeting peaceful pro-life protesters with harsh prison sentences, including elderly activists like 89-year-old Eva Edl.
  • The FACE Act, designed to protect access to abortion clinics, has been weaponized against conservatives, with 97% of cases targeting pro-lifers.
  • The Thomas More Society is fighting these unjust prosecutions, arguing that the FACE Act is now unconstitutional after Roe v. Wade’s overturn.

Source: Daily Wire

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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