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Blue State Judge Overturns Election Results – Voter Fraud Evidence Stuns the Nation
Blue State Judge Overturns Election Results – Voter Fraud Evidence Stuns the Nation

What’s Happening:

In the fallout of recent elections, Democrats have claimed that our elections are “safe.” Despite claims from various corners, social media sites went as far as posting disclaimers beneath posts to assert this.

If you were to believe Democrats, you’d think there is no possible way anyone can cheat in a U.S. election. But minds are changing, after a recent primary election.

Shocking video was discovered, which prompted a court battle. And now, a judge is issuing a major decision that has thrown this election on its head.

From The Blaze:
A judge has overturned the results of the Democrat primary for the mayoral race in Bridgeport, Connecticut, after viewing compelling evidence of voter fraud. His ruling creates chaos for the general election that is scheduled to take place in just a few days…

[Video] appeared to show Wanda Geter-Pataky, a city employee and a long-standing supporter of Mayor Ganim, stuffing a ballot box outside City Hall with absentee ballots. The Gomes campaign later issued similar allegations against Eneida Martinez, a former city council member who also supports Ganim.

Democrat primary candidate for Bridgeport, Connecticut–John Gomes–sued over evidence of voter fraud. The incumbent, Mayor Joe Ganim, beat Gomes by 251 votes. But video was discovered that showed at least two Ganim allies stuffing ballot boxes with absentee ballots.

The judge was shocked at the overwhelming evidence of fraud, which included ” hundreds of applications and ballots, thousands of hours of video of drop boxes, testimony of partisan actors, assertion of privilege against self-incrimination by Ms. Geter-Pataky and Ms. Martinez, and analysis of ballot numbers.”

Judge William Clark threw out the primary election results. Both Gomes and Ganim will appear on the general election ballot–one as a Democrat and the other as an independent.

This episode will no doubt be used by Republicans to try and say that voter fraud is common in blue states. The people accused of fraud were able to commit these crimes in part because Connecticut allows ballot harvest, drop boxes, and mail-in ballots.

Republicans have long warned these measures, if not properly policed, can lead to widespread fraud. Democrats have routinely dismissed their warnings and relied on the media to support their claims.

But this case proves that voter fraud of a kind does happen. What impacts this will have on future elections, however, remains to be seen.

Key Takeaways:

  • A judge overturned a Democrat primary race over evidence of vote fraud.
  • Individuals supporting the mayor were seen stuffing ballot boxes.
  • The case has cast new light on claims that U.S. elections are vulnerable to fraud.

Source: The Blaze

November 3, 2023
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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