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Judge Deals Democrats a Damaging Blow – Renders Their Far-Left Rule ‘Null and Void’
Judge Deals Democrats a Damaging Blow – Renders Their Far-Left Rule ‘Null and Void’

Soon after the Supreme Court made a historic ruling on Roe v. Wade, Democrats flipped out. Across the country, liberal state legislatures raced to protect their golden calf that is abortion.

But some blue states saw this as an opportunity to push even more radical policies than just ending the life of an unborn child.

In one major Democrat-run state, they rushed not to pass a law but a constitutional amendment. This amendment did much more than “enshrine” abortion rights in the state. It would undermine parents’ rights and encourage transgender procedures on minors (among other things). Now, a judge is striking this move down hard.

From Fox News:
The controversial Equal Rights Amendment, which was on the ballot for the November elections in New York, has been tossed by a judge on procedural grounds…

The amendment, which advocates say is meant to enshrine women’s right to abortion in the Empire State, was passed so quickly that a judge in Livingston County determined the legislation was fatally flawed due to a procedural mistake.

“They put forth this amendment to the constitution. There was no open debate. There was no public hearings, there was nothing.”

A judge in New York struck down an amendment to the state’s constitution because of how it was processed. The liberal lawmakers of the state rushed to get this amendment on the ballot. But they ignored their own laws that require them to wait 20 days for the attorney general to evaluate the measure.

It is likely that these Democrats rushed this measure, hoping to get it passed before too many voters had a look at it. This “Equal Rights Amendment” was not merely about protecting abortion. The state could have easily passed a law to do that.

Instead, they wanted to permanently change the state constitution to allow children under 18 to be subject to transgender procedures without parental approval. The amendment would have also changed statutory rape laws, making penalties against sex crimes unconstitutional.

Now, why would Democrats include all this in a measure meant to protect abortion? We can’t say. But it does seem as if they knew voters would not approve of these measures, which is why they broke procedure to rush this thing through.

Key Takeaways:

  • A New York judge struck down the “Equal Rights Amendment.”
  • Democrats rushed the process, ignoring legal requirements.
  • The amendment would have allowed children to undergo transgender procedures without parental approval.

Source: Fox News

May 24, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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