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Joy Behar Claims Hillary Clinton ‘Would Have Won’ If She’d Come On ‘The View’ More In 2016
Joy Behar Claims Hillary Clinton ‘Would Have Won’ If She’d Come On ‘The View’ More In 2016

It’s been eight years since Donald Trump trounced Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election. During that race, members of the liberal elite were fully confident that Trump had no chance of winning.

Unfortunately for them, Trump did indeed beat Clinton and subsequently became the 45th president of the United States. Eight years later, the Democrat establishment has still not gotten over Clinton’s loss.

This was shown once again on Tuesday night when the radically liberal The View co-host Joy Behar whined about Clinton’s defeat. During a panel with her co-hosts, Behar nonsensically claimed that Clinton would have won if she’d come on The View more.

From Fox News:
“Hillary Clinton should have come on ‘The View’ more. She would have won,” Behar argued. “We all know Hillary Clinton as the really fun grandma and a person who can take a joke and the people in this country were not seeing that. They would have seen that if she came on the show more.”

The hosts joked that Clinton has since appeared so many times since that election that she has become like a “guest host” to them. Behar remarked that she made a similar comment to Vice President Kamala Harris during her appearance that morning.

“That’s why she came on. That’s why she was there. I think she listened,” Behar said.

The Liberal Media Is So Full Of Themselves

This serves as a reminder of just how full of themselves members of the liberal media truly are. The View is a show that caters to Democrats. Five out of the six panelists are openly liberal. As for the sixth, she’s typically bullied into submission whenever she expresses conservative views.

In 2016, anyone who had the patience to sit through a fawning interview with Clinton on The View likely was going to vote for her anyway. In reality, Clinton showing off her “really fun grandma” side while being fed softball questions by Behar and her liberal co-hosts would have done nothing to improve her chances against Trump.

Even so, Behar’s comments about Clinton come as no surprise. Indeed, Behar has long shown that she has one of the worst cases of Trump derangement syndrome of anyone in the media. Just last year, Behar bizarrely claimed that Clinton actually won the 2016 presidential election.

“By the way, Mrs. Clinton did win the popular vote; I continue to believe that you won; I don’t care what they say,” Behar told Clinton in 2023.

Imagine if a conservative said that about Trump and Joe Biden. It would be seen as an act of insurrection. Since Behar is a liberal pundit who caters to the Democrat establishment, however, she was given a free pass.

“I don’t want the impression to be made that I didn’t accept the results of the Trump administration win, but I don’t like the Electoral College. And you won the popular vote. He won the Electoral College. And that’s the thing that needs to be addressed,” she said. “Because it’s not one person, one vote.”

No wonder nobody can take The View seriously anymore.

Key Takeaways: 

  • Joy Behar claims Clinton would have beaten Trump in 2016 if she’d gone on “The View” more.
  • Democrats have never gotten over Clinton’s loss.
  • Just last year, Behar claimed that Clinton won the 2016 election.

Source: Fox News

October 12, 2024
James Conrad
James is an Ivy League graduate who has been passionate about politics for many years. He also loves movies, running, tennis...and freedom!
James is an Ivy League graduate who has been passionate about politics for many years. He also loves movies, running, tennis...and freedom!
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