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Legendary Actors Send Blue City a Devastating Message – Here’s Why They’re About to Abandon It
Legendary Actors Send Blue City a Devastating Message – Here’s Why They’re About to Abandon It

We’ve learned, in recent months, how famous celebrities are fleeing Los Angeles. They join a growing number of residents who are getting fed up with Democrats’ far-left, pro-criminal policies. Crime is out of control in the blue state. And it doesn’t look like elected officials are doing anything about it.

The crime is getting so bad that not even wealthy celebrities can assume they are safe in their gated communities.

One iconic Hollywood couple dropped a bombshell during a recent interview. These beloved stars have been the victims of a heinous crime, not once but twice. Now, they have made a shocking admission—and they might make an unthinkable move.

From Breitbart:
Two home burglaries in as many months have driven actress Goldie Hawn to confess she is “never without” a security guard, hinting she may join the growing throng permanently leaving the crime-stricken “terrible” city…

The Hollywood veteran said she was in total shock and “couldn’t believe” the home she shares with fellow actor Kurt Russell had been targeted again…

“I couldn’t believe it, ‘What is happening here?”‘ she recalled.

Now Hawn has enlisted 24/7 security to ensure she and all her family members are safe from harm in a city becoming infamous for its crime levels.

“I’m never without a guard … especially when I’m alone,” she told Ripa.

Actress Goldie Hawn revealed that the home she shares with her partner Kurt Russel has been broken into twice. Crime is getting so bad in California that the actress revealed she is never without a security guard. She has employed 24/7 security to protect her family. The Hollywood icon has gone to such great expense because of how “terrible” the city’s crime has become.

Even with those measures, the couple is considering leaving the city permanently. If they do, they will join many actors who have uprooted their families and moved to states beyond California.

Sadly, most California residents can’t afford to pay for 24/7 security. What are they going to do when faced with the constant threat of burglary and car break-ins?

This is the result of radical, progressive DAs who are not prosecuting crimes. Not to mention policies passed by Democrat lawmakers that have eliminated penalties for many crimes, ending cash bail, and defunding police departments.

The federal government seems to be in lockstep with these Democrats. Biden’s DOJ seems more preoccupied with persecuting his political rival, Donald Trump. We have not seen action from this administration to end this tidal wave of crime. In fact, Biden’s open border policies are making it worse.

Key Takeaways:

  • Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell’s home in California has been broken into twice, leading to them employing 24/7 security.
  • The couple is considering leaving the city permanently due to the increasing crime rates.
  • Many actors have already moved out of California due to safety concerns.
  • The rise in crime is attributed to lenient policies passed by Democratic lawmakers and a lack of action from the federal government.

Source: Breitbart

June 13, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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