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Hunter Scandal Erupts with New Revelation – Fresh Evidence Airs Hunter’s Most Corrupt Laundry Yet
By Mick Farthing|September 1, 2023
Hunter Scandal Erupts with New Revelation – Fresh Evidence Airs Hunter’s Most Corrupt Laundry Yet

What’s Happening:

Joe Biden maintains that he knew nothing of his son Hunter’s business dealings. That is becoming a harder line to believe, considering the testimony and evidence coming out. It seems Biden and his son had a very close relationship while Joe was vice president. Former colleagues even claim Hunter included his father on numerous business meetings via phone.

But it seems this mutual relationship when both ways. Many Americans are troubled by the idea that Biden was using his influence as vice president to help his son. But a new email reveals that was only the start of it. It appears the shady, criminally-charged son was influencing Biden’s vice presidency.

From Fox News:

Then-Vice President Biden apparently used a pseudonym to discuss a future White House hire with his son, Hunter Biden, according to 2014 emails from Hunter’s laptop.

In an email on June 23, 2014, Hunter emailed “Robin Ware” from his company email at Rosemont Seneca Partners.

“Before you fill position pls talk to me—– J. McGrail very much wants to serve as detail fr treasury,” Hunter wrote.

A response just minutes later from the email account [email protected] reads: “Re Johnny call me right away Dad.”

Wow, this is bad. We’ve learned recently that Joe Biden used fake names to discuss vice president business while in office. But this newly released email reveals that not only did he use these names while talking with Hunter, but that Hunter had influence over the vice presidency.

Not only influence, but he was able to recommend appointments!

Hunter told Biden that J. McGrail wanted a job. John McGrail was serving as senior counsel at the U.S. Treasury at the time. He became a member of Biden’s office, deputy counsel, just two months later. Hmm… do you think that had anything to do with Hunter’s email?

Why on earth was Hunter advising Biden on staff picks? Hunter was not a government official. He had no title, nor should he have had any say in what was going on in the federal government. But here, we see he was regularly emailing his father, discussing White House business.

How many other decisions Joe made that had Hunter’s hands all over them? And where was President Obama at the time? He seemed MIA while Biden allegedly conducted a bribery ring and Hillary ran a similar scheme out of the State Department. Did Obama do anything while in office?

This is a very serious revelation in the ongoing Joe-Hunter scandal. Yet Republicans have yet to launch an impeachment probe. Democrats are throwing the book at Trump over tweets, but we can’t get this crooked family to be held accountable?

Do Republicans want to keep their jobs?

Key Takeaways:

  • A newly released email revealed Hunter discussed vice president business with Joe Biden.
  • In the email, Hunter urges his father to consider someone for a post in his office.
  • This comes as more evidence emerges of a Joe-Hunter scheme.

Source: Fox News

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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