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Hunter Biden’s Most Despicable Move Revealed – And It Involves His Own Daughter
Hunter Biden’s Most Despicable Move Revealed – And It Involves His Own Daughter

What’s Happening:

Joe Biden has proudly and publicly claimed his son, Hunter, is a good man. Details about Hunter Biden’s lifestyle have brought this assessment into question repeatedly over the years.

Hunter Biden has run into problems with law enforcement and the IRS and this latest revelation about him shows more about his financial dealings. A news report shows that the IRS considered felony charges against Hunter Biden for an account he drained.

How he allegedly used the money makes for a disgusting revelation. The account in question was his daughter’s college fund and Hunter allegedly withdrew $40,000 to meet his personal needs.

From Blaze Media:
President Joe Biden’s son allegedly used some of the money designated for his daughter’s college tuition for drugs and prostitutes.

According to the report, emails from Hunter’s abandoned laptop show he had just 44 cents in his personal bank account. When warned by bankers of the situation, the news report stated, he told them to transfer funds from his daughter’s college savings account despite knowing about the penalties for withdrawal.

Hunter Biden’s seemingly incoherent communications with his bankers and his use of the money were detailed by Blaze News.

According to the New York Post, “After liquidating Maisy’s college savings, he went even deeper into the throes of his addiction in the coming months, sending payments to his drug dealer, a webcam service, and prostitutes in the following weeks, emails on his laptop show.”

Hunter’s actions prompted the IRS to consider felony charges against him for the college savings account withdrawal that he did not report to the federal government. The FBI also discovered “personal distributions he had claimed as business deductions totaling approximately $12,791,” according to an affidavit.

These revelations about Hunter’s finances were made public in testimony before the House Ways and Means Committee by whistleblower and IRS agent Joseph Ziegler. According to an affidavit from Ziegler, Hunter has not corrected the situation.

“As of today’s date, this alleged additional income of approximately $52,611 has not been reported to the IRS and the alleged additional taxes of approximately $22,860 has not been paid to the IRS,” the affidavit states. The affidavit also states that there were no felony charges pursued against Hunter, but only for a misdemeanor.

Key Takeaways:

  • Hunter Biden faced charges for draining his daughter’s college fund.
  • The IRS and FBI investigated Hunter for his financial dealings.
  • How Hunter spent the college fund money is disgusting to many.

Source: Blaze Media

October 9, 2023
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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