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House Republicans Halt 1 Gift for Non-Citizens – Illegal Border Crossers Suffer Big Setback
By Mick Farthing|July 21, 2023
House Republicans Halt 1 Gift for Non-Citizens – Illegal Border Crossers Suffer Big Setback

What’s Happening:

Democrats seem to be putting illegal aliens ahead of Americans. Despite years of reports revealing our open, chaotic border, Democrats refuse to pressure Joe Biden into enforcing our laws. In fact, Democrats have gone out of their year to reward illegal entrants, giving them handouts Americans could only dream of.

As American cities fall apart, mayors and officials are coming up with new ways to fund, support, and house aliens. In New York, the leftist mayor has come up with simply the worst idea. And now, House Republicans are moving to shut this idiotic plan down.

From Breitbart:

House Republicans passed a bill on Thursday that blocks local elected officials from housing border crossers and illegal aliens in public schools across the United States…

“Self-declared sanctuary jurisdictions are compounding the impact of this crisis by turning public school facilities into shelters for largely unvetted adult migrants who flock to their communities,” Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) President Dan Stein said in a statement.

This is how stupid Democrats have become. They refuse to deport aliens who came to this country illegally. But they know we don’t have the resources to support them. So, they are converting public schools into shelters for these outsiders.

Umm… I thought public schools were already overcrowded as it is. Yet Adams wants to shut down 20-30 of these schools, forcing the students to go somewhere else, so he can provide illegal aliens with housing.

Adams keeps saying New York is full. They don’t have the space for all these aliens. So, why isn’t Adams calling on Biden to deport these people and secure our border?

Doesn’t the mayor care about NYC residents? He clearly doesn’t care about the kids, since he’s kicking them out of their schools. Previously, Adams put these aliens up in fancy hotels, which they destroyed.

Imagine what they might do to these schools? Reports indicate these migrants vandalized rooms, destroyed property, used drugs, and had sex in hallways.

And Adams wants to put these same people into public schools! You can make up stupidity like this!

If there was ever a time to get out of blue cities, it’s now.

Key Takeaways:

  • House Republicans passed a bill banning Democrats from housing illegals in public schools.
  • New York Mayor Adams is shutting down 20-30 schools to give illegal aliens housing.
  • Democrat cities are overrun by illegal immigration, but they refuse to deport migrants.

Source: Breitbart

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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