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House Cracks Down on Biden ‘Voter Scheme’ – They Just Unleashed 15 Subpoenas in D.C.
House Cracks Down on Biden ‘Voter Scheme’ – They Just Unleashed 15 Subpoenas in D.C.

It seems there is nothing Joe Biden won’t do to secure his 2024 victory. Many have accused him of trying to influence the election with four criminal prosecutions against Donald Trump. But that seems to be just the tip of the iceberg.

Democrats tried to pass sweeping legislation a few years ago that would have destroyed our democratic process. It failed, thanks to a few moderates in the Senate.

But at the same time, Biden passed an order that seemed to try to do the same thing. He instructed federal agencies to use tax funds to muster what was essentially a “get out the vote” push among minority groups. Republicans accused him of trying to steal the election, and now they are fighting back.

From Fox News:
A House committee is issuing subpoenas to 15 executive agencies in the Biden administration related to constitutional concerns with one of Biden’s executive orders and the departments’ implementation…

The plan has already come under scrutiny from Senate Republicans, who have called it a federal “voter mobilization” effort with “potentially partisan impacts.”…

“The Committee has concerns about the implementation of E.O. 14019, particularly regarding its compatibility with provisions of the National Voter Registration Act (NRA) of 1993,” Steil told the agencies in a subpoena letter.

House Republicans have issued fifteen subpoenas against top leaders within the Biden administration. They are demanding answers from these Biden officials over his controversial voter plan. Republicans believe Biden is trying to use the federal government to give Democrat candidates an advantage.

The order directed federal agencies to “partner” with states to reach out to “eliminate discrimination” in voting access. However, Republicans claim these efforts are prioritizing regions that vote more often for Democrats. Meanwhile, areas that are likely to vote for Republicans are not receiving any benefits from this move.

Political parties are required to run their own “get out the vote” pushes. That requires them to use their own funds to reach as many voters as they can. Yet it seems Biden thought he could create a loophole that takes tax dollars to mobilize liberal voters while neglecting conservative voters.

House Republicans are investigating this move. And they might uncover some damning information.

Key Takeaways:

  • House Republicans issue fifteen subpoenas against top Biden administration officials
  • They believe Biden is using the federal government to give an advantage to Democrat candidates
  • Biden directed federal agencies were directed to “partner” with states to eliminate discrimination in voting access
  • Republicans claim the efforts prioritize regions that vote more often for Democrats

Source: Fox News

June 13, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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