Imagine watching a chameleon, constantly changing colors to blend into its surroundings. This image perfectly encapsulates the Democratic Party’s approach to identity politics. The party has exploited race, gender, and sexuality to trick voters while masking their failed policies that have only hurt the country.
Nowhere is this more evident than in Kamala Harris’s efforts to win back voters after Biden dropped out of the race.
Recently, the media went crazy when Trump criticized Harris’ claims of being black. Harris and her party are pushing her minority status as a way to win back black voters, who are dumping Democrats. But, as it turns out, Trump wasn’t too far off the mark when he criticized Kamala. Because, while Harris is running around pushing her “blackness,” she is leaving her real ethnicity in the dust. And this group has noticed.
From Daily Caller:
Indian-Americans are sounding off on Vice President Kamala Harris’ alleged attempts to downplay her Indian heritage in favor of her Jamaican side of the family…Harris, with an Indian mother and black Jamaican father, has long been touted as a historic figure breaking glass ceilings. But some Indian-Americans told the Caller they feel Harris’ Indian identity is highlighted only when it’s “convenient” for her.
“While she might want to lean into her ethnic background when it is politically convenient… What matters are her policy positions, which would be a nightmare for most Americans and especially for the Indian-American community.”
Kamala Harris: The Face of Identity Politics?
Indian-Americans are calling out Kamala Harris, saying she has failed their community. Harris is of Indian and Jamaican descent. Yet, she and the Democrats are promoting her as a black candidate. It is as transparently false as Elizabeth Warren calling herself a Native American! Black people don’t seem to be buying it. And in her rush to call herself black, Harris has abandoned her Indian-American heritage.
On top of that, many Indian Americans are pointing out that Harris’ policies will be a “nightmare” for Americans, especially Indian Americans. This group of hard-working Americans are small business owners, doctors, lawyers, and very family-oriented. Harris’ plans, however, will continue Biden’s agenda of robbing Americans of opportunity and resources—favoring globalists and far-left extremists. Harris will make inflation worse, bring in more illegals, and help fan the flames of global war.
Democrats Outed for Hypocrisy
Indian-Americans are calling out Harris and her party for their hypocrisy. They said Harris only touts her ethnicity when it is “politically convenient.” They accused her of pushing her Jamaican side to win back black Americans. Polls showed large numbers of black voters ditching Biden due to his failed policies. If Harris thinks she can beat Trump, she’ll need to claw back as many black votes as possible. It seems that because Indian Americans are a smaller group (and mostly conservative), she doesn’t care too much about them. And for that reason, she ignores their concerns.
Pretty suspicious for a party that claims to care about “diversity” and “inclusivity.” As we’ve been saying for years, Democrats only care about your race or gender, as long as you agree with their leftist policies.
Bad News for Kamala
The black vote is not “in the bag” for Kamala, just because she claims to be a woman of color. Black Americans seem to distrust her, given she seems nothing like them. Harris has more in common with liberal elitists, privileged Democrats who were born with a silver spoon in their mouths. There is nothing about Harris that screams “black,” even if she does try to sound like Barack Obama. Her awkward demeanor, out-of-touch comments, and lack of concern for working Americans will work to her disadvantage big time.
Key Takeaways:
- Indian Americans blasted Kamala Harris for ignoring her ethnic background.
- Democrats have called Harris black because she has a Jamaican father.
- Indian American groups claim Harris’ policies will be a “nightmare” for Americans.
Source: Daily Caller