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After Hamas Releases Zero U.S. Hostages – Trump Exposes the 1 Disturbing Reason Why
After Hamas Releases Zero U.S. Hostages – Trump Exposes the 1 Disturbing Reason Why

America on the world stage has for generations been a symbol of strength that was feared by countries who were allies and enemies. Any effort to undermine America came with a predetermined warning that U.S. strength would be used against any who harmed American citizens.

Ongoing negotiations between Israel and Hamas in their ongoing war have exposed a real problem for American diplomacy around the world. Dozens of hostages taken by Hamas, many from countries other than Israel, have been released from their captors.

Over the weekend Israel sent 150 Palestinians imprisoned by Israel back across the border. Hamas was expected to release 50 hostages in a four-day window during the cease-fire.

But where were the 10 American citizens who were taken by force by the Hamas terrorists? Why weren’t they released in the early stages of the exchange?

This failed diplomacy to get Americans out of the hands of terrorists prompted a harsh response by former President Donald Trump on Truth Social.

From Fox News:
“Has anybody noticed that Hamas has returned people from other Countries but, so far, has not returned one American Hostage?” Trump posted. “There is only one reason for that, NO RESPECT FOR OUR COUNTRY OR OUR LEADERSHIP. This is a very sad and dark period of America!”

This eroded opinion of the United States has been front and center in hostage negotiations between Israel and Hamas in their ongoing war. No American citizens were included in the first releases.

The only American citizens as of this writing on Monday was 4-year-old U.S. citizen Avigail Idan. News reports showed she was returned to her family and appeared in good health. Idan’s parents, Roy Idan and Smadar Idan, were shot and killed in the Oct. 7 Hamas attack.

And where was the leader of the United States during these extremely important hostage negotiations? Stumbling Joe took in another vacation in Nantucket, Mass., on Friday and later thanked Middle Eastern leaders for their efforts to extend humanitarian efforts in Gaza amidst negotiations to release American hostages.

Biden actually said, “We don’t know when that will occur, but we’re going to expect it to occur… So, it’s my hope and expectation it will be soon.”

He “hopes” and “expects” something to happen instead of telling Hamas to return American citizens before something bad happens to the terrorists. Biden’s tone is not in keeping with the historical strength exerted by the United States in the Middle East.

In recent years, under the Joe Biden administration, respect for the United States has rapidly eroded thanks to the mumbling and stumbling of the president and his team on the world stage. How can enemies of the United States respect, much less fear, this nation’s leaders when the president literally stumbles and falls on stage?

Key Takeaways:

  • Americans sadly not represented in hostages released by Hamas.
  • Former President Trump calls out U.S. leaders for failed diplomacy.
  • Biden thanks Middle Eastern leaders as he “hopes” for Americans’ release.

Source: Fox News

November 27, 2023
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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