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Gov. Newsom Slammed by Voter Blowback – They Plan Widespread Mutiny Against Latest Plan
Gov. Newsom Slammed by Voter Blowback – They Plan Widespread Mutiny Against Latest Plan

It is no secret that a crime epidemic is hurting America’s biggest cities. For years, progressive leaders have supported policies that encourage crime. They have eliminated cash bail, defunded police departments, and reduced the penalty for many crimes.

The state pushing the very worst of these ideas is California. Crime is getting so bad in CA cities that many residents are leaving.

The problems seemed to begin with the passage of a particular bill. This law has been in effect for many years. Many experts have claimed it is to blame for the problem. But Democrats have done nothing. Now, voters have a chance to set things right.

From Breitbart:
A ballot initiative to amend parts of Proposition 47, the 2014 “criminal justice reform” that many blame for a wave of crime and retail theft in California, has officially qualified for the November ballot, according to California officials…

The referendum reduced many felonies to misdemeanors, and — most notoriously — raised the minimum value for felony theft to $950 worth of goods. That, critics say, encouraged a wave of shoplifting in major cities, as thieves knew there would be no serious consequences for thefts of lesser value.

In a sharp rebuke to the Soros-funded DAs of the country, California voters will be voting to change a “criminal reform” bill passed in the state. The bill infamously lowered many felonies to misdemeanors. And it raised felony theft to $950—which encouraged criminals to steal as much as they wanted without fear.

California has seen a dramatic increase in crime due to this bill. It has gotten much worse in recent years. That could be thanks to Joe Biden, whose DOJ appears unconcerned with the crime epidemic. Many Californians have fled the state, including celebrities who want to raise families outside of a crime epicenter.

The ballot measure could reform the bill, providing new additions and eliminating some of the more controversial parts. Democrats don’t seem eager to reform the bill. But despite spending billions to “help” the situation, things are only getting worse. Drug addicts overrun downtown areas in cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles. Crime is out of control.

If voters don’t take their state back, it might not be long before things get too bad to fix.

Key Takeaways:

  • California voters might change a “criminal reform” bill that had lowered many felonies to misdemeanors and increased felony theft to $950, resulting in a surge in crime.
  • Many Californians, including celebrities, have left the state due to the crime surge.
  • The ballot measure aims to reform the bill by adding new provisions and eliminating controversial parts, but some Democrats resist change.

Source: Breitbart

June 13, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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