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GOP Boss Exposes Pelosi’s “Haunted House” – Now He’s Demanding It Get Shut Down
GOP Boss Exposes Pelosi’s “Haunted House” – Now He’s Demanding It Get Shut Down

What’s Happening:

Liberal policies in Democrat-run cities have populated news headlines over the past few years. Overall poor governance by Democrats, rising crime rates, and decreasing populations have all plagued these cities.

Democrats have been in control in these urban centers where ineffective policies allow the problems to continue. Some of these major cities are under the influence of heavy-weight Democratic politicians who have served in public office for decades.

San Francisco is one of the marquee examples of where a once beautiful city has deteriorated into urban blight that repels residents and visitors. Many of the problems in the historic city have California Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s name written all over them, and in once case… literally. And one Republican wants Pelosi’s name erased from the walls of a federal building.

Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA) is calling for the Nancy Pelosi Federal Building in San Francisco to be closed because of the open-air drug market and dangerous environment that plagues the area near the building.

From The Daily Wire:
“I’m calling to shut down the Speaker Nancy Pelosi Federal Building,” Ernst said in a statement. “After all, they’ve already been forced to abandon it, so why should taxpayers keep the lights on in Nancy Pelosi’s haunted house?”

Safety concerns outside the building forced hundreds of employees who work in the Nancy Pelosi building to pack up and leave. Workers were told to work from home indefinitely.

The lack of safety around the building is an understatement. Outside an open-air drug markets rages with dealers and addicts openly doing business for anyone to see. News reports show addicts often hanging around the concrete benches outside Pelosi’s namesake building while using drugs.

Instead of being a tourist landmark, the federal building marked 525 drug-related incidents over the past year. Federal employees had knives pulled on them on three occasions and one person was chased by someone wielding a hammer. A fence was erected alongside part of the building to block people from sitting on a concrete ledge frequented by drug dealers.

Ernst said the building is now a dangerous workplace and attributed the problems there to Pelosi, the former House Speaker, as well as “the other liberal politicians that have allowed criminal chaos to overtake the streets of San Francisco.” Ernst said the Nancy Pelosi Federal Building is a “symbol of the way government doesn’t work.”

Ernst said that Pelosi’s namesake federal building operations could be moved to one of five other federal buildings where employees and taxpayers could interact for government business “without fearing for their lives.”

The 18-story federal building includes Pelosi’s local office as well as the offices of several federal agencies, including HHS, the Labor Department, and the Transportation Department.

Key Takeaways:

  • Republican calls Democrat’s namesake federal building a “haunted house.”
  • Joni Ernst (R-IA) wants to shut down the building surrounded by crime.
  • Employees have been forced to abandon the building and work from home.

Source: The Daily Wire

October 26, 2023
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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