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Republicans Hand Democrat Gov a Huge Veto Loss – And It Has a Major Impact on 2024
Republicans Hand Democrat Gov a Huge Veto Loss – And It Has a Major Impact on 2024

What’s Happening:

The security of elections has been a hot topic across the country for years. Debate over the issue has reached feverish levels at times.

Democrats have been criticized for wanting anyone to be able to vote from anywhere while Republicans want tighter controls to ensure election integrity. The two different goals have led to strong disagreements in state legislatures, especially those with split party authority.

Democrat Governor Roy Cooper of North Carolina recently vetoed two election bills that Republican lawmakers passed. He called the bills a “threat” to democracy. His veto didn’t last long as the GOP majority voted to override his veto on the bills they say will increase election integrity.

North Carolina House Speaker Tim Moore (R) said in a press release that the goal of the legislation is to strengthen the rights of poll observers and close same-day registration loopholes. Cleaning up voter rolls  is another benefit of the legislation.

From The Daily Wire:
“North Carolina voters deserve to know their elections are safe and secure,” Moore said. “Thankfully they can have that confidence now that we have overridden the governor’s veto of this commonsense elections bill.”

Moore said the legislation “improves voter registration rolls by establishing a process for periodic removal of ineligible voters, including the deceased, convicted felons, and those who have moved.”

Part of the legislation also will ban election officials from using private money to administer elections. This came into play in previous elections where a wealthy technology business owner donated money in support of state elections. Opponents argued that the money was unfairly distributed and benefited voter areas that leaned Democrat.

Cooper charged Republicans with wanting to keep and gain power and that the bills in question showed that Republicans are racist. That didn’t hold water to GOP members who voted for overriding the governor.

The House voted 72-44 to override and the Senate voted 30-19 to overturn the veto. Republicans believe the measure will help the public trust elections in North Carolina.

Key Takeaways:

  • Democrat governor loses after Republicans unite over election bills.
  • North Carolina Governor Moore calls GOP power hungry and racist.
  • Republicans overturn Moore’s veto to protect election integrity.

Source: The Daily Wire

October 14, 2023
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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