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Florida Just Passed 1 Genius New Law – DeSantis Says They ‘Won’t Tolerate’ This Anymore
Florida Just Passed 1 Genius New Law – DeSantis Says They ‘Won’t Tolerate’ This Anymore

Reading, writing, and arithmetic have been the foundations of learning in American schools for generations. Liberals have worked to take away all three, including removing cursive writing and redefining arithmetic with confusing “new math.”

Leftists have openly targeted reading by introducing sexually offensive books into children’s libraries and now they are working to ban classic literature studied by students across the globe. The anti-American crowd appears hell bent on damaging children for their sake of their own perverse intentions and political power plays.

These efforts won’t fly under the administration of Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis. He put the hammer down with a new law that closes the book on abuse of rules meant to protect children.

From The Daily Wire:
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed a law this week that ends teachers’ ability to abuse a book challenge law that was implemented to protect children from pornographic materials in school.

“The idea that someone can use the parents’ rights and the curriculum transparency to start objecting to every single book to try to make a mockery of this is just wrong,” DeSantis said the day before the bill signing. “That’s performative. That’s political.”

“So, when you have some school administrators or teachers that are saying that somehow state law requires them to take classic books off the shelves, that is a lie. That is not true,” DeSantis said. “That is depriving students of a valid education.”

The law is designed to significantly limit the ability of Florida residents who do not have children in the state’s education system to be able to challenge book titles. DeSantis it is a waste of people’s time when leftists try to get books banned that are classic reading material.

He challenged any criticism of or attempts to ban such books as To Kill a Mockingbird or an historical book about Hank Aaron that was the Book of the Month for the Florida Department of Education. He chastised any teachers using today’s social media and videos to promote their anti-book campaigns that make a mockery out of education.

The effort by DeSantis to curb this onslaught by leftists to undermine traditional education is to be applauded. Anything that can be done to stem the spread of leftist influence over the minds of children is a positive advancement against liberalism.

Key Takeaways:

  • Ron DeSantis signed a law designed to stop teacher abuse of a book challenge policy.
  • Florida’s governor said under his leadership such actions by teachers won’t be tolerated.
  • Leftist school administrators and teachers worked to ban classics such as To Kill a Mockingbird.

Source: The Daily Wire

April 27, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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