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FBI Quietly Changes Crime Data, Confirming Trump Claims that Crime Is Rising Under Biden
FBI Quietly Changes Crime Data, Confirming Trump Claims that Crime Is Rising Under Biden

The FBI has long been seen as a bastion of American law enforcement, but in recent years, its reputation has taken a nosedive. From controversial investigations to politically charged scandals, the once-respected agency is now viewed with growing skepticism by the public.

One of the most striking examples came when the FBI raided the home of a former president—Donald Trump—over what amounted to a paperwork dispute. The FBI, under the guise of national security, stormed Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence, raising eyebrows and sparking outrage among conservatives.

This wasn’t the first, or last, scandal to tarnish the bureau’s image. Between botched investigations, questionable political motivations, and now the apparent manipulation of crime data, Americans are left wondering: can they trust the FBI? It’s no wonder their credibility is in the toilet. The agency has gone from being a guardian of justice to a tool of political convenience.

From The Blaze:
It appears that Trump was correct when he told Time magazine that the “FBI fudged the numbers” and possibly also when he suggested during the second presidential debate that the FBI data “was a fraud” — just as he appears to have been correct about U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ bogus jobs numbers.

The Crime Prevention Research Center recently reported that the FBI stealthily changed its crime data for 2022 — a year in which cities like Phoenix, New York City, and Los Angeles failed to submit crime data.

Crime Data Manipulation: Trump Was Right

One of the latest blows to the FBI’s credibility comes from a revelation that they fudged crime data—big time. President Trump has long claimed that crime is much worse than the government, and particularly the FBI, is willing to admit.

Democratic officials and their allies in the media have, of course, denied this, waving around incomplete FBI data that suggested violent crime had dropped in recent years.

But guess what? Trump was right. According to a report from the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC), the FBI quietly adjusted its 2022 crime data to reveal that violent crime had actually spiked by at least 4.5%.

Originally, the FBI had claimed that violent crime fell by 2.1%, a stat widely paraded by liberal media as proof that the Biden-Harris administration was doing a fantastic job on public safety. But that turned out to be a lie.

In major cities like Phoenix, New York City, and Los Angeles—cities that conveniently failed to submit their crime data—violent crime surged while the FBI was busy telling the public that everything was under control.

This change wasn’t highlighted in any press release, of course. It was buried in a footnote. The FBI wanted to keep this embarrassing truth as quiet as possible, but now, the cat’s out of the bag.

The Media’s Complicity in the Cover-Up

So, why didn’t we hear more about this? The media, naturally, had a hand in covering up the truth. USA Today and other outlets ran with the FBI’s original claim, providing a smokescreen for Democratic politicians who were all too happy to pretend everything was fine.

After all, if violent crime was going down, why not use it to score some political points? But with the revised data, it’s clear that the Biden-Harris administration has failed to protect Americans from a wave of rising crime.

John Lott Jr., president of the CPRC, made it clear that the media has been looking at only one side of the story. He explained that there are two key measures of crime in the U.S.: the FBI’s data, which only tracks reported crimes, and the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), which measures both reported and unreported crimes.

For years, these two metrics moved in tandem, but since 2020, they’ve been diverging dramatically. While the FBI claimed violent crime dropped slightly in 2022, the NCVS showed a massive spike in violent victimization—up 55% between 2020 and 2023.

That’s right. While the FBI was busy cooking the books, real Americans were suffering. And they weren’t being told the truth about it. How convenient for those in power.

Americans Deserve Better

At the end of the day, this isn’t just about bad data or political spin—it’s about the real-world consequences of a government that is failing its citizens. Americans are living in a time of rising crime, skyrocketing prices, and international instability.

They deserve the truth, but instead, they’re being fed lies by their own government agencies, backed up by a compliant media that’s more interested in pushing a narrative than reporting the facts.

North Carolina voters, for example, have been vocal about how they feel less safe under Biden and Harris. Many have said they were better off when Trump was in office.

“We were better off when Trump was in than we are today,” one voter told CBS Mornings. Another added, “If we get Trump, we got hope. We get Kamala, we don’t have any hope. It’s gone. Country’s gone.”

These aren’t isolated opinions—they reflect the growing sentiment across the country. Voters feel abandoned by the very people who are supposed to protect them. And they’re waking up to the fact that the institutions they once trusted are no longer working in their best interests.

Key Takeaways

  • The FBI has lost public trust due to years of scandals, political interference, and, now, data manipulation that misled the public about rising crime.
  • Trump’s warnings about rising crime and the government’s attempts to cover it up were proven right, as the FBI quietly revised their 2022 crime data to reflect a spike in violence.
  • Americans are being fed a narrative by both the government and the media that downplays the real problems facing the country.

Source: The Blaze

October 17, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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