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Fani Willis Blindsided by Democrat Lawyer – Exposes Her Real ‘Scheme’ in Trump Case
Fani Willis Blindsided by Democrat Lawyer – Exposes Her Real ‘Scheme’ in Trump Case

Democrats have been scheming from multiple legal fronts to undermine former President Donald Trump and eliminate him from the 2024 presidential election. He has fought them every step of the way, and has been winning.

What has helped him is the facts in all the cases. Whenever the crooked tactics of the leftists are exposed, Trump is able to gain ground in the election while at the same time circumventing the legal attacks against him.

A surprising turn of events happened this week when a Democrat blindsided the prosecutor in the Georgia racketeering elections case against Trump. Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis didn’t see this coming from a fellow Democrat, attorney Julian Epstein, and she is reeling because of the revelation.

From the Washington Examiner:
“In my opinion, this was a kickback scheme, where she hired a boyfriend who was then providing her all kinds of benefits,” Epstein said. “I think those are very hard to believe. I think the judge was right to allow the Trump team to appeal. And I think there’s not just that question about whether she should be kicked off the case. So I think there’s a question potentially about perjury.”

“Well, I think if Fani Willis had any real interest in this case, she would resign or recuse herself from it,” Epstein said. “This is an utter embarrassment.”

Epstein, a Democratic strategist, revealed her assessment on the Brian Kilmeade Show on Fox News. He said Trump was in the “right” to appeal the case where Willis was challenged for appointing Nathan Wade as a special prosecutor. Willis and Wade were determined to have a romantic relationship.

The judge in the case appeared to agree with the assessment. Judge Scott McAfee announced this week that Trump and his co-defendants can appeal the order that allows Willis to remain on the case.

Epstein stressed that the Georgia case is an “utter embarrassment” for prosecuting Trump in the eleventh hour of the ongoing presidential campaign. Trump’s team has 10 days to submit an application to the Georgia Court of Appeals and the court will have 45 days from March 15 to decide if it will hear the case. Georgia law does not require the higher court to hear the case.

Key Takeaways:

  • A Democrat lawyer blindsided Fani Willis and exposed her real “scheme” in Trump case.
  • The unexpected criticism slammed Willis as an “utter embarrassment” for her actions.
  • Trump’s legal team has been granted permission to appeal the case to a higher court.

Source: Washington Examiner

March 30, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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