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Election Offices Rocked by Drug-Laced Letters – You Won’t Believe What Was Written Inside
Election Offices Rocked by Drug-Laced Letters – You Won’t Believe What Was Written Inside

What’s Happening:

We are just a few months away from the primary elections. In less than a year, millions of Americans will then go to the polls to elect the next president.

The safety and reliability of our election systems is paramount.

Democrats continue to say there are no problems with our elections. Meanwhile, they’ve accused Republicans of being “threats to democracy.” But now, some of their own allies just endangered election offices across the country.

From KOMO News:
The Georgia Secretary of State confirmed letters filled with fentanyl were sent to local election offices on Tuesday…

Thursday’s news conference comes after an attack that appears to have targeted election workers in Washington state…

Election offices in Washington’s King, Pierce, Skagit and Spokane counties were evacuated on Wednesday after white powdery substances were found in envelopes at the three centers.

Election offices in Georgia had to be evacuated after letters laced with the deadly drug fentanyl arrived at several locations. In some election offices, workers were in the middle of counting ballots, delaying the results.

It appears these letters are coming from Washington State. Several county election offices in Washington have also been targeted. This will no doubt raise an alarm among all election offices, across all 50 states.

One of the letters contained an ominous message, revealing who might be behind this scheme.

One of the letters allegedly sent to Tacoma, Washington contained Antifa symbols, the trans flag, and a pentagram–a common occult insignia. The message claimed that states must “stop giving power to the right.”

The letter’s writer claimed, “WE ARE IN CHARGE NOW.” The letter also warned that “ballot drops” might also be laced with “noxious chemicals.” This appears to be a not-so-veiled threat that drop boxes would be tainted with poison, causing harm to voters.

The FBI is leading this investigation and has not officially given word on the people behind these letters. But some critics will quickly point out the irony of the development.

Democrats have long defended radical groups like Antifa. At the same time, Democrats including Joe Biden claim Republicans want to dismantle our democracy. Yet, it appears that only one group is actually taking drastic steps to disrupt voting in our country.

Key Takeaways:

  • Letters laced with fentanyl were sent to election offices in Georgia and Washington.
  • According to one report, the letters contained threatening messages and an Antifa symbol.
  • This comes days after this year’s election, with primary elections only months away.

Source: KOMO News

November 10, 2023
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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