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New 2024 Poll Shows Major Voting Shift: Trump Just Surged into Lead Weeks before Voting Day
New 2024 Poll Shows Major Voting Shift: Trump Just Surged into Lead Weeks before Voting Day

We are less than three weeks away from Election Day. The race between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris has appeared to be closer than ever.

Democrats and the mainstream media have spent months trying to make it look like Harris has this race in the bag. They’ve tried to falsely portray her as such a competent candidate that there’s no way that she could lose to Trump.

That’s why Democrats are sure to be shocked and appalled by this new Fox News poll. Indeed, it might just be enough to send them into full panic mode.

From Breitbart News:
Former president Donald Trump has surged since September and now leads Vice President Kamala Harris 50 percent to 48 percent nationally, according to a Fox News poll.

The survey, published Wednesday, finds that Trump has taken the lead on Harris among likely voters and registered voters after trailing her in Fox News’s September poll. In that survey, Harris registered at 50 percent, and Trump garnered 48 percent with both groups. Harris’s two-point decline and Trump’s two-point boost translate into a net-four-point swing in the former president’s direction.

Moreover, there is a major movement in Trump’s direction among college-educated voters. Harris holds a razor-thin edge with these voters 49 percent to 48 percent, marking a seismic shift from recent months.

It seems that things are looking up for Trump! With just two and a half weeks to go before Election Day, this poll is the stuff that nightmares are made of for Democrats.

Trump has underperformed in polls since the beginning of his political career. Democrats have only themselves to blame for polls no longer being accurate. They have shamed Trump supporters so vehemently that many will only express their support for the former president in the privacy of the voting booth.

Harris Has Always Been Unpopular

It should also come as no surprise to anyone that Harris is falling behind in the polls. Until just a few months ago, even many Democrats despised her and saw her as an incompetent vice president.

It should be noted that she’s polled as one of the least popular vice presidents in American history during her time in the position. The Democrat establishment is hoping that voters will just forget about that, but the American people aren’t as stupid as they think we are.

Harris is simply an unlikely candidate, plain and simple. Voters never got a say in naming who would replace Joe Biden after he dropped out of the race. Instead, the Democrat establishment anointed Harris as Biden’s replacement themselves. This means that Harris got to where she is today without ever having the support of voters.

In Biden-Harris’ America, millions of Americans are struggling just to put food on the table. Much of this is thanks to the woke policies that Harris has long championed. Many voters seem to be seeing that America simply can’t afford four more years of this nonsense. Harris may claim to be running on bringing about “change,” but it would undoubtedly be more of the same if she wins this election.

We can only hope that this poll is just the beginning of a surge of momentum for Trump heading into Election Day. Let’s get this man back in the White House where he belongs!

Key Takeaways:

  • Trump takes 2-point lead over Harris in new poll.
  • Trump has always underperformed in polls.
  • Despite what Democrats say, Harris has always been unpopular.

Sources: Breibart News, Fox News, Axios

October 18, 2024
James Conrad
James is an Ivy League graduate who has been passionate about politics for many years. He also loves movies, running, tennis...and freedom!
James is an Ivy League graduate who has been passionate about politics for many years. He also loves movies, running, tennis...and freedom!
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