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DeSantis Drops Sledgehammer on Top Blue City – Exposes Democrat Party’s Worst Failure to America
DeSantis Drops Sledgehammer on Top Blue City – Exposes Democrat Party’s Worst Failure to America

Joe Biden and his liberal cronies screwed up their priorities a long time ago. It has taken decades, but now more high-profile conservative politicians are fighting back against liberal ideology that is harming the country.

An example of these skewed priorities is how prominent Democrats, including the incumbent president, were absent from the funeral of NYPD officer Jonathan Diller. While the last three Democrat presidents were posing for high-dollar photo opportunities to fund Biden’s campaign, former President Donald Trump honored the Diller family by paying his respects in person.

The contrast in priorities was hammered home by a former political rival of Trump’s, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. He laid into the sickening culture of liberals that vilifies heroes and glorifies criminals.

From The Daily Wire:
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis slammed Democrats during an interview late last week following the death of NYPD officer Jonathan Diller, saying that the party openly embraces criminals and has turned its back on law enforcement.

“They get no support from these Democrat politicians,” DeSantis said. “It used to be police officers, a lot of them were Democrats. That’s changed. The Democratic Party has turned their back on law enforcement, they embrace the criminal element and let the inmates run the asylum, and a lot of these people.”

The shocking twist away from support was highlighted following the slaying of officer Diller, 31, who was allegedly murdered by Guy Rivera, 34, during a traffic stop. Diller tried to get Rivera to exit his vehicle when Rivera allegedly pulled out a handgun and shot Diller in the stomach.

Rivera had 21 prior arrests at the time. He was released from prison in 2021 after a five-year stint for criminal possession of a controlled substance. Sending someone with such a criminal career back into society could be considered by liberals as a success.

DeSantis railed against liberals who want more of the same on the streets of America. He pointed out how Biden and former presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton ignored Diller’s funeral as they padded the coffers of Biden’s presidential campaign during a high-dollar fundraiser.

“And, you know, Obama and Biden and Clinton can go raise 25 million because they’re in the upper echelon,” DeSantis said. “So they’re immune from their own policies.”

The governor said the people that Democrats hurt are the Americans who in the working class and middle income that could never afford the fundraisers like the one held opposite Diller’s funeral.

“(The) Democratic party has turned their back on them,” DeSantis said. “They’re really become the party of the elites.”

Key Takeaways:

  • Florida Gov. DeSantis slammed Democrats for embracing a rampant “criminal element.”
  • He called out liberal Democrats for turning their backs on taxpayers and law enforcement.
  • Biden, Obama, and Clinton raised millions instead of paying respects to a murdered police officer.

Source: The Daily Wire

April 6, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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